Aims and scope
The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) publishes scholarly articles on space weather and space climate from a broad range of scientific and technical fields. JSWSC adopts three generic criteria to evaluate the submitted manuscripts: Scientific quality, relevance and overall interest to the space weather and space climate communities.
Manuscripts must adhere to the quality standards of international scientific journals and are reviewed by at least two external experts. It is required that all manuscripts submitted for publication in JSWSC contain enough new insight, present the work on a properly referenced background, and provide adequate evidence that supports the conclusions. All manuscripts must be written in English language in a clear, concise and comprehensive form and include all and only necessary and appropriate figures, tables and references. Only manuscripts which are not concurrently submitted to or under review by another journal can be considered for publication in JSWSC.
If it is unclear whether a manuscript may be suitable for JSWSC, we encourage potential authors to contact JSWSC (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), send an abstract and seek advice.