COST Action ES0803
Open Access

Table 1.

Metric template used for the relative comparison of the two BÜ Özel Ayşeabla school visits of the “before” and “after” drawings of the second visit; B = before, A = after, and i = item number.

Evaluation of the drawings BEFORE(B) the lecture
Bi Human features are used as solar features Yes No
Bii Sun-Earth connections are in the form of daily life experiences (e.g., Flowers, grass, happy children, etc.) Yes No
Biii Is the Sun a major character in the drawing (e.g., does the Sun occupy a major part or is it placed in one of the corners of the drawing?) Yes No
Biv The difference between age 8 and age 11 in quality of perception, enhancement of knowledge and expression 0 (No diff.) + (Increased) −(Decreased)
Evaluation of the drawings AFTER(A) the lecture
Ai Human features are replaced by Space Weather (Sun Spots; Solar Wind; Aurora; …)
Aii Sun-Earth relations are expressed in terms of Space Weather (Sun Spots; Solar Wind; Aurora; …)
Aiii Has the Sun become a major character? Yes No
Aiv Does the child use brighter/richer colours in this phase of the event? Yes No Same
Av Does the child draw a similar drawing to that of the pre-tutorial? Yes No
Avi The difference between age 8 and age 11 in quality of perception, enhancement of knowledge and expression 0 (No diff.) + (Increased) −(Decreased)

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