Table A1.

A summary of spatial attributes by event type, where cenx and ceny are the event center value locations in HPC arcseconds, bboxarea is the derived bounding box area in square arcseconds, and ccpts is the number of coordinate points in the event chain codes.

Event type Attribute Min Mean Median Max STD
AR cenx −968.062 −4.2582 −11.2734 970.17 654.4383
ceny −757.54 −25.1748 −53.004 766.076 305.4122
bboxarea 129.6005 14,114.5961 7,797.6 211,639.68 17,179.5351
ccpts 0 9.854 8 54 4.8074
CH cenx −969.977 3.5871 7.916 969.313 371.6026
ceny −970.799 −18.9467 9.1931 972.988 689.4635
bboxarea 153 71,871.311 24,865.92 1,379,838.6 117,912.4412
ccpts 0 14.3212 10 101 11.7254
EF cenx −834.576 21.0606 39.6695 834.54 456.419
ceny −837.084 −13.2525 −22.168 832.596 312.5886
bboxarea 0.7943 5,159.4355 622.6166 306,826.8855 12,710.3634
ccpts n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FI cenx −939.594 −17.3933 −15.6858 933.778 463.6827
ceny −919.736 5.1539 45.0938 934.724 427.5714
bboxarea 0 8,011.5614 3,764.2581 383,718.0908 13,634.0821
ccpts 14 65.5248 46 877 57.0134
FL cenx −1,190.4 −21.1982 −38.4 1,113.6 619.6332
ceny −1190.4 −36.7188 −115.2 1,190.4 274.6577
bboxarea 5,898.2323 9,588.3826 5,898.24 424,673.28 11,927.4292
ccpts n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
SG cenx −842.688 11.0563 23.0722 774.33 433.033
ceny −624.42 −68.8113 −158.1399 687.582 283.9277
bboxarea 3,466.469 16,417.615 11,885.1877 231,581.6319 13,677.0289
ccpts n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
SS cenx −939.51 −10.1182 −14.721 936.61 563.2124
ceny −570.728 −68.118 −162.951 557.365 255.8895
bboxarea 116.64 1,874.3158 1,280.79 47,151.45 2,571.1772
ccpts 34 711.8052 587 8,728 515.3151

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