Open Access

Table 1.

List of the stations used and the corresponding geographical latitudes and longitudes. The number of days analyzed in each year and for each station, and the total number of days analyzed in each year are also included.

Station Geographical longitude Geographical latitude Number of days analyzed
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
ADIS 38.7663 9.0351 139 281
AIRA 130.5996 31.8241 289 338 352 361 344 359
AREQ −71.4928 −16.4655 358 299 282 337 193 342 261 358 252 358 362
ASC1 −14.4121 −7.9512 346 312 269 19 287 333 170 54 37 9
BAKO 106.85 −6.49 235 261 231 276 277 341 315 313 325 285 344
BAN2 77.51 12.95 29 359 321 235 206 256 275
BHR1 50.6081 26.2091 262 309 305 355 363 336 338 347 357 327
BHR2 50.6081 26.2091 9 72 345 354 326
BOGT −74.0809 4.6401 301 210 214 355 335 313
BRAZ −47.8778 −15.9474 125 318 279 295 338 357 343 333 314 347 344
BRFT −38.4255 −3.8774 107 342 331
BUE1 −58.5193 −34.5737 259 358 362 346 356
CCJ2 142.195 27.0675 209
CFAG −68.2326 −31.6022 336 352 326 122 84 40 344 354 361
CHPI −44.9852 −22.6871 141 310 237 344 353 338
CNMR 145.7431 15.2297 128 279 256 369 28 242
CONZ −73.0255 −36.8438 342 322 356
COPO −70.3382 −27.3845 137 270 270 248
CUSV 100.5339 13.7359 63
DAKA −17.4648 14.685 191 258 158 186 181 41
GLPS −90.3037 −0.743 336 261 288 312 330 131
GMAS −15.4676 27.7648 80 328 318 322 312 337 319
GMSD 131.0156 30.5564 11 255 317
GUAM 144.8683 13.5893 343 327 213 296 297 341 210 331 320 336 325
GUUG 144.8027 13.4332 90 287 302 322 258 236
HALY 36.0999 29.1389 28 91 156 235
HNLC −157.8645 21.3033 321 329 313 220
HYDE 78.5509 17.4173 50 300 312 293 322 308 306
IISC 77.5704 13.0212 283 289 27 118 306 309 287 306 313 324 159
IQQE −70.1317 −20.2735 140 194 38
ISPA −109.3444 −27.125 321 279
KOKB −159.6649 22.1263 352 326 205 315 324 337
KOUR −52.806 5.2522 310 226 289 264 308 297 349 363 305 320
KUNM 102.7972 25.0295 36 255 52 94 303 289 286 299 299 325 264
KWJ1 167.7302 8.7222 350 280 2 10 38
LAE1 146.9932 −6.6737 348 307 294 312 302 148
LHAS 91.104 29.6573 309 228 225 281 327 295 247 227 251 28
MALD 73.5263 4.1887 104 307 220 141 142 86 260 36
MANA −86.2487 12.1491 162 285 330 279 219 228 198 243 262
MAS1 −15.6333 27.7637 345 157 270 343 334 298 290 323 297 324 324
MAUI −156.257 20.7067 288 325 293 282 296
MBAR 30.7379 −0.6015 133 148 50 229 365 262 220
MCIL 153.9787 24.2901 21 280 320 242 237 321 174
MKEA −155.4563 19.8014 312 253 220 286 333 305 229 309 292 322 266
MSKU 13.552 −1.6312 187 253 100 61 324 283 17
NAMA 42.0446 19.2114 18 80
NKLG 9.6721 0.3539 247 345 333 309 286 317 265 290 310
NTUS 103.6799 1.3458 243 199 109 182 241 303 319 314 222 144 305
NURK 30.0899 −1.9446 25
PIMO 121.0777 14.6357 191 7 40 183 302 154 151 288 300 301
POVE −63.8963 −8.7093 79
QUI1 −78.4936 −0.2152 3 18 338 339 292 299 327
QUI2 −78.4936 −0.2152 72 292 301 361
RCMN 36.8938 −1.2210 226
RIOP −78.652 −1.6506 39 188 13 12 138 176
SAVO −38.4323 −12.9392 82
SEY1 55.4794 −4.6737 148 48 245 125 107 332 90 215 152
SHAO 121.2004 31.0996 332 198 290 172 103 77
SLOR −87.4365 13.4239 66 212 194
SOLA 46.4006 24.9107 109 66 124
TCMS 120.9874 24.798 283 273 165
TNML 120.9874 24.798 282 257 226
TWTF 121.1645 24.9536 23 303 274 253 317 275 271 259
UNSA −65.4076 −24.7275 317 151 313 293 294 323 279 284 283
WUHN 114.3573 30.5317 343 298 321 297 281 272
YIBL 56.1123 22.1865 113 209 130 225 177 168
YKRO −5.2401 6.8706 75 125 84
Total days analyzed 5251 6619 4280 5659 10172 12097 9345 9903 14523 14126 9389

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