Table 4
Table of the radio burst types occurrence in % of the entire event sample (normalized to the sample size) with its uncertainty calculated as error propagation of the ratio. The results are given for the entire sample of events (independent on longitude or strength) over the entire period 1996–2016, and separately for SC23 (1996–2008) and SC24 (2009–2016). Each occurrence is the sum of the visual identifications/uncertain identifications/solely observatory reports, respectively, with their individual percentage contributions given explicitly in brackets. The percentage of the data gaps are not included here but their explicit event number is given in the text.
Radio burst | Radio wavelength | ||||
dm | dm-m | m | m-Dm | DH-km | |
Entire sample (1996–2016): 431 events | |||||
II | 0 | 8±1 (0/1/7) | 44±4 (18/1/25) | 63±5 (41/3/19) | 60±5 (49/4/7) |
III | 12±7 (2/1/9) | 31±13 (13/2/16) | 74±26 (50/3/21) | 86+14/−30 (66/2/18) | 99+1/−34 (95/4/0) |
IV | 46±18 (42/1/3) | 37±15 (27/4/6) | 59±22 (42/3/14) | 62±22 (42/3/17) | 14±8 (7/4/3) |
II + III + IV | 0 | 3±1 | 30±3 | 47±4 | 13±2 |
Entire sample in SC23 (1996−2008): 303 events | |||||
II | 0 | 10±2 (0/1/9) | 49±5 (21/0/28) | 65±6 (44/1/20) | 55±5 (45/1/9) |
III | 15±2 (2/1/12) | 32±4 (13/0/19) | 78±7 (52/1/25) | 89±7 (68/1/20) | 99+1/−8 (96/3/0) |
IV | 51±5 (46/1/4) | 55±5 (45/2/8) | 61±7 (40/4/17) | 64±6 (42/4/18) | 17±3 (12/4/1) |
II + III + IV | 0 | 4±1 | 33±4 | 48±5 | 13±2 |
Entire sample in SC24 (2009−2016): 128 events | |||||
II | 0 | 3±1 (0/1/2) | 32±6 (9/4/19) | 59±9 (35/6/18) | 73±10 (59/11/3) |
III | 7±2 (2/3/2) | 29±5 (13/9/7) | 65±9 (46/8/11) | 79±10 (61/5/13) | 98+2/−12 (91/7/0) |
IV | 33±6 (30/2/1) | 52±8 (41/10/1) | 61±9 (45/11/5) | 58±8 (41/3/14) | 17±4 (5/3/9) |
II + III + IV | 0 | 2±1 | 23±5 | 44±7 | 13±4 |
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