Table 5

Table of the radio burst types occurrence in % related to Western and Eastern eruptive events in the three periods of interest. See Table 4 for further explanations.

Radio burst Radio wavelength

dm dm-m m m-Dm DH-km
Western origin sample (1996−2016): 315 events
II 0 7±2 (0/1/6) 44±5 (20/1/23) 65±6 (42/3/21) 61±6 (50/4/7)
III 14±2 (2/2/10) 33±4 (14/3/16) 75±6 (54/2/19) 87±7 (68/2/17) 100−6 (96/4/0)
IV 44±4 (40/1/3) 52±5 (43/4/5) 59±5 (42/4/13) 60±6 (40/3/17) 14± (7/3/4)
II + III + IV 0 3±1 30±3 46±5 13±2
Eastern origin sample (1996−2016): 113 events
II 0 11±3 (0/0/11) 43±7 (10/1/32) 58±9 (40/2/16) 59±9 (48/3/8)
III 7±3 (2/0/5) 25±5 (9/0/16) 73±11 (42/4/27) 85±12 (63/3/19) 96+4/−13 (91/5/0)
IV 53±8 (47/3/4) 59±9 (46/4/9) 60±9 (41/3/16) 65±10 (48/3/14) 17±4 (8/6/3)
II + III + IV 0 4±2 33±6 50±8 14±4
Western origin sample in SC23 (1996−2008): 222 events
II 0 9±2 (0/1/8) 49±6 (24/0/25) 65±7 (43/1/21) 56±6 (47/1/8)
III 18±3 (3/1/14) 34±5 (15/0/19) 79±8 (56/1/22) 90±9 (71/1/18) 100−9 (97/3/0)
IV 50±6 (46/1/3) 53±6 (45/1/7) 57±4 (41/0/17) 62±7 (40/3/19) 13±3 (9/3/1)
II + III + IV 0 4±1 32±4 45±5 13±3
Eastern origin sample in SC23 (1996−2008): 78 events
II 0 15±5 (0/0/15) 51±10 (13/0/38) 66±12 (46/3/17) 51±10 (40/1/10)
III 9±4 (1/0/8) 27±7 (6/0/21) 86±14 (43/8/35) 91+9/−15 (64/1/26) 96+4/−16 (94/2/0)
IV 58±11 (50/3/5) 60±11 (44/3/13) 60±11 (38/1/21) 69±12 (51/4/14) 16±5 (8/8/0)
II + III + IV 0 5±3 38±8 59±11 13±4
Western origin sample in SC24 (2009−2016): 93 events
II 0 3±3 (0/1/2) 34±7 (11/4/19) 66±11 (39/8/19) 73±12 (58/12/3)
III 7±3 (1/4/2) 33±7 (13/12/8) 66±11 (48/6/12) 80±13 (61/4/15) 100−15 (94/6/0)
IV 30±6 (27/2/1) 51±9 (38/12/1) 62±10 (44/13/5) 58±10 (41/3/14) 15±4 (3/3/9)
II + III + IV 0 2±2 25±6 48±9 12±4
Eastern origin sample in SC24 (2009−2016): 35 events
II 0 0 23±9 (3/3/17) 40±13 (26/0/14) 75±19 (63/9/3)
III 3±3 (3/0/0) 20±8 (14/0/6) 60±17 (40/11/9) 72±19 (60/6/6) 94+6/−23 (85/9/0)
IV 43±13 (40/3/0) 56±15 (49/7/0) 61±17 (49/6/6) 57±16 (40/3/14) 21±8 (9/3/9)
II + III + IV 0 0 20±8 31±11 17±8

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