Table 1

The parameters used with the ANN in the classifying system.

Name Description
1. Energy Sum of squared values of signal.
2. Frequency roughness Mean of the absolute value of the second derivative of the signals’ % Fourier Spectrum.
3. Variance Variance of the track.
4. Max-minus-median Maximum value minus median value.
5. Fraction over half-max The fraction of the signal’s values that are greater from 40% of its maximum value.
6. RMS Root mean square value of the track.
7. Fractal dimension The fractal dimension of the signal with values 1–2.
8. Stdev of variances The standard deviation of the variance values of the signal using a sliding window of 100 measurements.
9. Maximum Maximum value of track.
10. Zero-cross area variance The variance of the integral from one zero-crossing of the signal to another.
11. Zero-cross norm area variance The variance of the integral from one zero-crossing of the signal to another normalized by it duration.
12. Zero-cross area difference mean The mean difference of consecutive integrals from one zero-crossing of the signal to another.
13. Zero-cross area difference variance The variance of the differences of consecutive integrals from one zero-crossing of the signal to another.

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