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While working through an AUL, roadblocks can appear which will temporarily lower the AUL of the project, similar to how a change in an instrument project can lower the TRL of a hardware project. An example of this would be a component of a large model may have changed and need to be validate, or a change to the processing of the data which is an input to the project. Anecdotal experience has shown how reaching an AUL 9 does not mean the end of a project. By the time an application reaches AUL 9, new requirements are often defined and a new application and project are created. This may be as simple as the same user has identified the need of new requirements and metrics for a new (perhaps an improvement on the same, but now identified as a new) application, leading to a spiraling of the AULs, as suggested and demonstrated in Sections 4.3 and 4.7.

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