Figure 1
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630 nm (upper row) and 557.7 nm (lower row) All-Sky Imager Data from Ny Ålesund projected to 250 km at 08:36 UT (a), 08:38 UT (b), and 08:40 UT (c) for the 630 nm emission, and projected to 150 km at 08:36 UT (d), 08:38 UT (e), and 08:40 UT(f) for the 557.7 nm emission; the rocket trajectories are shown in dark blue and orange for the high flyer and in green and magenta for the low flyer, respectively. A filled square and filled triangle is indicating the current position for the high and low flyer, respectively. The black arrows indicate the electric field vector obtained from the DC E for the high flyer (upper left panel) and the low flyer (lower left panel).
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