Open Access

Table 1

LISN GPS ionospheric monitoring stations coordinates.

Station City Country Geographic
Latitude Longitude Dip latitude
LBO_ Bogotá Colombia 4.6378 −74.0823 15.27
LBOA Boa Vista Brazil 2.8338 −60.6946 9.27
LSTM Santarém Brazil −2.4283 −54.7314 2.16
LSLZ São Luís Brazil −2.5934 −44.2123 −4.17
LTFE Tefé Brazil −3.3487 −64.7209 5.79
LPIU Piura Peru −5.1699 −80.6393 6.41
LIMP Imperatriz Brazil −5.5280 −47.4880 −4.83
LNTA Natal Brazil −5.8362 −35.2077 −12.80
LPUC Pucallpa Peru −8.3839 −74.5737 3.32
LAFL Alta Floresta Brazil −9.8705 −56.1040 −3.56
LRBR Rio Branco Brazil −9.9577 −67.8690 0.77
LRIB Riberalta Bolivia −10.9997 −66.0807 −0.66
LANC Ancon Peru −11.7766 −77.1501 0.25
LHYO Huancayo Peru −12.0424 −75.3214 −0.04
LPMO Puerto Maldonado Peru −12.5859 −69.1868 −1.31
LAYA Ayacucho Peru −13.1537 −74.2061 −1.14
LCUZ Cuzco Peru −13.5204 −71.9593 −1.69
LIOS Ilhéus Brazil −14.7966 −39.1724 −18.30
LCBA Cuiabá Brazil −15.5552 −56.0700 −8.71
LBSB Brasília Brazil −15.7644 −47.8692 −13.52
LTAC Tacna Peru −18.0507 −70.2773 −6.03
LBHT Belo Horizonte Brazil −19.8686 −43.9619 −19.23
LDOU Dourados Brazil −22.1960 −54.9317 −14.71
LCHP Cachoeira Paulista Brazil −22.7022 −45.0138 −20.68
LSJK São José dos Campos Brazil −23.2076 −45.8597 −20.53
LPBR Pato Branco Brazil −26.1977 −52.6894 −18.83
LTCA Tucuman Argentina −26.8140 −65.2557 −14.43
LCOR Corrientes Argentina −27.4671 −58.8310 −16.96
LSTA Santa Maria Brazil −29.7126 −53.7173 −20.73
LLEO Casleo (El leoncito) Argentina −31.8001 −69.2927 −17.53
LSTF Rosario Argentina −32.9593 −60.6284 −20.16
LVLG Villegas Argentina −35.0326 −63.0136 −20.85

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