Open Access

Table 2

INCT GNSS ionospheric monitoring stations coordinates.

Station City Country Geographic
Latitude Longitude Dip latitude
SLMA São Luís Brazil −2.5935 −44.2123 −4.17
MAN3 Manaus Brazil −3.1102 −59.9749 4.13
FRTZ Fortaleza Brazil −3.7362 −38.7248 −8.64
PALM Palmas Brazil −10.1996 −48.3113 −8.49
UFBA Salvador Brazil −12.9998 −38.5107 −17.22
PRU3 Presidente Prudente Brazil −22.1191 −51.4060 −16.507
PRU1 Presidente Prudente Brazil −22.1200 −51.4087 −16.506
PRU2 Presidente Prudente Brazil −22.1220 −51.4071 −16.508
INCO Inconfidentes Brazil −22.3185 −46.3281 −19.60
MAC2 Macaé Brazil −22.3768 −41.7914 −22.45
SJCE São José dos Campos Brazil −23.2076 −45.8597 −20.53
SJCU São José dos Campos Brazil −23.2106 −45.9566 −20.48
POAL Porto Alegre Brazil −30.0739 −51.1197 −22.23

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