Open Access
Table 3
Unified S4 data file format for each S4 observation.
Column | Description |
datetime | Day and time in format “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” |
prn | Satellite identifier |
az | Azimuth (°) |
el | Elevation (°) |
s4 | S4 index from the C/A code in the L1 band |
s4v | Vertical projection of the S4 index |
class | Scintillation severity classification (0: null; 1: weak; 2: moderate; 3: strong) |
station | Acronym of the monitoring station |
r_lat | Monitoring station latitude (°) |
r_lon | Monitoring station longitude (°) |
i_lat | IPP latitude (°) |
i_lon | IPP longitude (°) |
constellation | GPS, SBAS, GLONASS, GALILEO or BEIDOU |
network | LISN or INCT |
p | Spectral slope of the phase PSD in the 0.1–25 Hz range |
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