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Table 4

GPR interpolation error metrics and correlation results for all pre-processing options using the SSS cross-validation scheme for the main test set of 40 maps.

Pre-processing options MAE RMSE MXAE MMAX MMIN STDA CORR
SMR 0.1164 0.1938 0.8629 0.8598 −0.4049 0.1550 0.8319
SMI 0.1072 0.1772 0.8100 0.8049 −0.4087 0.1411 0.8459
VMR 0.0887 0.1481 0.6649 0.6640 −0.2855 0.1186 0.8298
VMI 0.0820 0.1360 0.6278 0.6245 −0.2907 0.1085 0.8433
SQR 0.0872 0.1507 0.7289 0.7205 −0.4147 0.1229 0.8596
SQI 0.0814 0.1417 0.7112 0.7000 −0.4143 0.1160 0.8708
VQR 0.0668 0.1153 0.5612 0.5565 −0.3038 0.0940 0.8573
VQI 0.0627 0.1088 0.5496 0.5419 −0.3074 0.0889 0.8681
SAR 0.0600 0.1093 0.6049 0.4402 −0.5762 0.0914 0.8815
SAI 0.0570 0.1054 0.5984 0.4343 −0.5727 0.0886 0.8906
VAR 0.0455 0.0835 0.4615 0.3346 −0.4440 0.0700 0.8789
VAI 0.0435 0.0808 0.4608 0.3313 −0.4441 0.0680 0.8872

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