Open Access
Table 2
An integrated band comparison of the TSIS-1 SIM with both the FS-HSRS and the current solar forcing reference spectrum provided by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project-Phase 6 (CMIP6), a dataset utilized in many current climate models.
Band | Band range (nm) | TSIS-1 SIM (W/m2) | FS-HSRS (W/m2) | CMIP6 (W/m2) | ΔTSIS-1 – CMIP6 (W/m2) [%] | ΔFS-HSRS – CMIP6 (W/m2) [%] |
1 | 200–260 | 2.6855 | 2.6738 | 2.5422 | 0.1433 [5.637] | 0.1316 [5.177] |
2 | 260–340 | 42.2457 | 42.2241 | 41.8127 | 0.4330 [1.036] | 0.4114 [0.984] |
3 | 340–440 | 131.9235 | 131.9218 | 129.3265 | 2.5970 [2.008] | 2.5953 [2.007] |
4 | 440–630 | 359.3186 | 359.6758 | 356.0259 | 3.2927 [0.925] | 3.6499 [1.025] |
5 | 630–780 | 210.5653 | 211.2113 | 210.9445 | −0.3793 [−0.180] | 0.2668 [0.126] |
6 | 780–1240 | 340.4387 | 340.9444 | 343.1782 | −2.7395 [−0.798] | −2.2338 [−0.651] |
7 | 1240–1300 | 25.5719 | 25.5966 | 26.0287 | −0.4568 [−1.755] | −0.4321 [−1.660] |
8 | 1300–1630 | 102.1468 | 102.2366 | 103.9975 | −1.8507 [−1.780] | −1.7609 [−1.693] |
9 | 1630–1940 | 53.5159 | 53.5694 | 54.7487 | −1.2328 [−2.252] | −1.1794 [−2.154] |
10 | 1940–2150 | 22.3023 | 22.2891 | 22.5943 | −0.2920 [−1.292] | −0.3052 [−1.351] |
11 | 2150–2500 | – | 23.5531 | 23.7459 | – | −0.1929 [−0.812] |
12 | 2500–3080 | – | 20.2597 | 20.3185 | – | −0.0587 [−0.289] |
13 | 3080–3850 | – | 12.0093 | 11.9903 | – | 0.0190 [0.158] |
14 | 3850–12,200 | – | 12.7663 | 12.7411 | – | 0.0252 [0.198] |
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