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Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) during strong geomagnetic activity (storms, substorms, and magnetic pulsations) on 23–24 April 2023

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Estimating the electric field response to the Halloween 2003 and September 2017 magnetic storms across Scotland using observed geomagnetic fields, magnetotelluric impedances and perturbation tensors

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A Review of Geomagnetically Induced Current Effects on Electrical Power System: Principles and Theory

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Transmission Lines in Poland and Space Weather Effects

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Observations, Modeling and Systems Analysis in Geomagnetic Data Interpretation

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Exploring the Influence of Lateral Conductivity Contrasts on the Storm Time Behavior of the Ground Electric Field in the Eastern United States

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Power system responses to geomagnetic disturbances recognized using phasor measurement recordings

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An Evaluation of the Frequency Independence Assumption of Power System Coefficients Used in Geomagnetically Induced Current Estimates

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The impact of coronal mass ejection on the horizontal geomagnetic fields and the induced geoelectric fields

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Predicting Global Ground Geoelectric Field With Coupled Geospace and Three‐Dimensional Geomagnetic Induction Models

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North Europe power transmission system vulnerability during extreme space weather

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Calculation of Voltages in Electric Power Transmission Lines During Historic Geomagnetic Storms: An Investigation Using Realistic Earth Impedances

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Space Weather 16 (2) 185 (2018)

Understanding GIC in the UK and French high‐voltage transmission systems during severe magnetic storms

G. S. Kelly, A. Viljanen, C. D. Beggan and A. W. P. Thomson
Space Weather 15 (1) 99 (2017)

The Tsallis statistical distribution applied to geomagnetically induced currents

C. S. Barbosa, R. Caraballo, L. R. Alves, G. A. Hartmann, C. D. Beggan, A. Viljanen, C. M. Ngwira, A. R. R. Papa and R. J. Pirjola
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Influence of spatial variations of the geoelectric field on geomagnetically induced currents

Ari Viljanen and Risto Pirjola
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 7 A22 (2017)

Investigation of geomagnetic induced current at high latitude during the storm-time variation

E.O. Falayi, O. Ogunmodimu, O.S. Bolaji, J.D. Ayanda and O.S. Ojoniyi
NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics 6 (1) 131 (2017)

The Challenge Posed by Geomagnetic Activity to Electric Power Reliability: Evidence From England and Wales

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Estimating ionospheric currents by inversion from ground-based geomagnetic data and calculating geoelectric fields for studies of geomagnetically induced currents

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Earth, Planets and Space 68 (1) (2016)

Extreme value analysis of the time derivative of the horizontal magnetic field and computed electric field

Peter Wintoft, Ari Viljanen and Magnus Wik
Annales Geophysicae 34 (4) 485 (2016)

The latitudinal variation of geoelectromagnetic disturbances during large (Dst≤−100 nT) geomagnetic storms

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Space Weather 14 (9) 668 (2016)

Solar wind driven empirical forecast models of the time derivative of the ground magnetic field

Peter Wintoft, Magnus Wik and Ari Viljanen
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 5 A7 (2015)

The characteristics of geoelectric fields at Kakioka, Kanoya, and Memambetsu inferred from voltage measurements during 2000 to 2011

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Earth, Planets and Space 67 (1) (2015)

Regional estimation of geomagnetically induced currents based on the local magnetic or electric field

Ari Viljanen, Peter Wintoft and Magnus Wik
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 5 A24 (2015)

Proximity Effect on the Induced Geoelectric Field at the Lateral Interface of Different Conductivity Structures During Geomagnetic Storms

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Chinese Journal of Geophysics 58 (1) 32 (2015)

Assessing the hazard from geomagnetically induced currents to the entire high-voltage power network in Spain

Joan Miquel Torta, Santiago Marsal and Marta Quintana
Earth, Planets and Space 66 (1) (2014)

Methodology for simulation of geomagnetically induced currents in power systems

David Boteler
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 4 A21 (2014)

Geomagnetically induced currents in Norway: the northernmost high-voltage power grid in the world

Minna Myllys, Ari Viljanen, Øyvind August Rui and Trond Magne Ohnstad
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 4 A10 (2014)

Simulation of Geomagnetically Induced Currents With Piecewise Layered-Earth Models

Luis Marti, Cynthia Yiu, Afshin Rezaei-Zare and David Boteler
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (4) 1886 (2014)

Geomagnetically induced currents in Europe

Ari Viljanen, Risto Pirjola, Ernö Prácser, Juri Katkalov and Magnus Wik
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 4 A09 (2014)

Time causal operational estimation of electric fields induced in the Earth's lithosphere during magnetic storms

Jeffrey J. Love and Andrei Swidinsky
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (7) 2266 (2014)

Progress in space weather modeling in an operational environment

Ioanna Tsagouri, Anna Belehaki, Nicolas Bergeot, et al.
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 3 A17 (2013)

Surface electric fields for North America during historical geomagnetic storms

Lisa H. Wei, Nicole Homeier and Jennifer L. Gannon
Space Weather 11 (8) 451 (2013)

Geomagnetically induced currents in Europe: Characteristics based on a local power grid model

A. Viljanen, R. Pirjola, E. Prácser, S. Ahmadzai and V. Singh
Space Weather 11 (10) 575 (2013)

Estimation of the electric resistivity distribution (EURHOM) in the european lithosphere in the frame of the eurisgic WP2 project

A. Ádám, E. Prácser and V. Wesztergom
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 47 (4) 377 (2012)