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Transient Offset in 14C After the Carrington Event Recorded by Polar Tree Rings
Joonas Uusitalo, Kseniia Golubenko, Laura Arppe, Nicolas Brehm, Thomas Hackman, Hisashi Hayakawa, Samuli Helama, Kenichiro Mizohata, Fusa Miyake, Harri Mäkinen, Pekka Nöjd, Eija Tanskanen, Fuyuki Tokanai, Eugene Rozanov, Lukas Wacker, Ilya Usoskin and Markku Oinonen Geophysical Research Letters 51(5) (2024)
How to identify and forecast severe space weather events
N. Balan, Qing-He Zhang, S. Tulasi Ram, K. Shiokawa, V. Manu and Zan-Yang Xing Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 256 106183 (2024)
High-latitude coronal mass ejections on the young solar-like star AB Dor
K M Strickert, D Evensberget and A A Vidotto Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 533(1) 1156 (2024)
A Statistical Study of Soft X-Ray Flares on Solar-type Stars
What Drove the Carrington Event? An Analysis of Currents and Geospace Regions
Dean Thomas, Robert S. Weigel, Antti Pulkkinen, Peter W. Schuck, Daniel T. Welling and Chigomezyo M. Ngwira Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129(7) (2024)
Craig J. Rodger, Mark A. Clilverd, Anna Tarr, Daniel H. Mac Manus, Harriet George, Tanja Petersen and Andrew Renton 229 (2024)
Challenging Ring‐Current Models of the Carrington Storm
Characterizing the distribution of extreme geoelectric field events in Sweden
Vanina Lanabere, Andrew P. Dimmock, Lisa Rosenqvist, Ari Viljanen, Liisa Juusola and Andreas Johlander Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 22 (2024)
C6.2 class flare parameters inferred with a 3D geometry of flare database
Mario Gai, Alberto Vecchiato, Alberto Riva, Alexey G. Butkevich, Deborah Busonero and Federico Landini Applied Sciences 14(2) 888 (2024)
Space Weather Effects on Transportation Systems: A Review of Current Understanding and Future Outlook
Dabin Xue, Lingxiao Wu, Tianhe Xu, Cheng‐Lung Wu, Zhipeng Wang and Zhengbing He Space Weather 22(12) (2024)
The Greatest GOES Soft X-ray Flares: Saturation and Recalibration over Two Hale Cycles
Hugh Hudson, Ed Cliver, Stephen White, Janet Machol, Courtney Peck, Kim Tolbert, Rodney Viereck and Dominic Zarro Solar Physics 299(3) (2024)
Analyzing the Sequence of Phases Leading to the Formation of the Active Region 13664, with Potential Carrington-like Characteristics
On the uncertain intensity estimate of the 1859 Carrington storm
Jeffrey J. Love, E. Joshua Rigler, Hisashi Hayakawa and Kalevi Mursula Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 21 (2024)
Sun-like stars produce superflares roughly once per century
Valeriy Vasilyev, Timo Reinhold, Alexander I. Shapiro, Ilya Usoskin, Natalie A. Krivova, Hiroyuki Maehara, Yuta Notsu, Allan Sacha Brun, Sami K. Solanki and Laurent Gizon Science 386(6727) 1301 (2024)
Digitized Continuous Magnetic Recordings for the August/September 1859 Storms From London, UK
C. D. Beggan, E. Clarke, E. Lawrence, E. Eaton, J. Williamson, K. Matsumoto and H. Hayakawa Space Weather 22(3) (2024)
A Long-duration Superflare on the K Giant HD 251108
Hans Moritz Günther, Dheeraj Pasham, Alexander Binks, Stefan Czesla, Teruaki Enoto, Michael Fausnaugh, Franz-Josef Hambsch, Shun Inoue, Hiroyuki Maehara, Yuta Notsu, Jan Robrade, J. H. M. M. Schmitt and P. C. Schneider The Astrophysical Journal 977(1) 6 (2024)
Science development study for the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST): Solar and stellar observations
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Jeremy J. Drake and Beate Stelzer 3113 (2024)
Stellar Flares, Superflares, and Coronal Mass Ejections—Entering the Big Data Era
Krisztián Vida, Zsolt Kővári, Martin Leitzinger, Petra Odert, Katalin Oláh, Bálint Seli, Levente Kriskovics, Robert Greimel and Anna Mária Görgei Universe 10(8) 313 (2024)
Extreme Geomagnetic Disturbances (GMDs) Observed in Eastern Arctic Canada: Occurrence Characteristics and Solar Cycle Dependence
Mark J. Engebretson, Lily Yang, Erik S. Steinmetz, Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko, Mark B. Moldwin, Brett A. McCuen, Martin G. Connors, James M. Weygand, Colin L. Waters, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Larry R. Lyons and Christopher T. Russell Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129(1) (2024)
A review for Japanese auroral records on the three extreme space weather events around the International Geophysical Year (1957–1958)
The Extreme Space Weather Event of 1872 February: Sunspots, Magnetic Disturbance, and Auroral Displays
Hisashi Hayakawa, Edward W. Cliver, Frédéric Clette, Yusuke Ebihara, Shin Toriumi, Ilaria Ermolli, Theodosios Chatzistergos, Kentaro Hattori, Delores J. Knipp, Séan P. Blake, Gianna Cauzzi, Kevin Reardon, Philippe-A. Bourdin, Dorothea Just, Mikhail Vokhmyanin, Keitaro Matsumoto, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, José R. Ribeiro, Ana P. Correia, David M. Willis, Matthew N. Wild and Sam M. Silverman The Astrophysical Journal 959(1) 23 (2023)
Relationship of peak fluxes of solar radio bursts and X-ray class of solar flares: Application to early great solar flares
Keitarou Matsumoto, Satoshi Masuda, Masumi Shimojo and Hisashi Hayakawa Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 75(6) 1095 (2023)
A candidate auroral report in the Bamboo Annals, indicating a possible extreme space weather event in the early 10th century BCE
Delayed Development of Cool Plasmas in X-Ray Flares from the Young Sun-like Star κ
1 Ceti
Kenji Hamaguchi, Jeffrey W. Reep, Vladimir Airapetian, Shin Toriumi, Keith C. Gendreau and Zaven Arzoumanian The Astrophysical Journal 944(2) 163 (2023)
The predictive power of magnetospheric models for estimating ground magnetic field variation in the United Kingdom
No signature of extreme solar energetic particle events in high-precision 14C data from the Alaskan tree for 1844–1876 CE
Fusa Miyake, Masataka Hakozaki, Hisashi Hayakawa, Naruki Nakano and Lukas Wacker Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 13 31 (2023)
Modeling Hadronic Gamma-Ray Emissions from Solar Flares and Prospects for Detecting Nonthermal Signatures from Protostars
Ilya Usoskin, Fusa Miyake, Melanie Baroni, Nicolas Brehm, Silvia Dalla, Hisashi Hayakawa, Hugh Hudson, A. J. Timothy Jull, Delores Knipp, Sergey Koldobskiy, Hiroyuki Maehara, Florian Mekhaldi, Yuta Notsu, Stepan Poluianov, Eugene Rozanov, Alexander Shapiro, Tobias Spiegl, Timofei Sukhodolov, Joonas Uusitalo and Lukas Wacker Space Science Reviews 219(8) (2023)
Magnetic Activity and Physical Parameters of Exoplanet Host Stars Based on LAMOST DR7, TESS, Kepler, and K2 Surveys
Tianhao Su, Li-yun Zhang, Liu Long, Xianming L. Han, Prabhakar Misra, Gang Meng, Qingfeng Pi, ZiLu Yang and Jiawei Yang The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 261(2) 26 (2022)
M-Class Solar Flares in Solar Cycles 23 and 24: Properties and Space Weather Relevance
A Climatology of Long‐Duration High 2‐MeV Electron Flux Periods in the Outer Radiation Belt
D. Mourenas, O. V. Agapitov, A. V. Artemyev and X.‐J. Zhang Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127(8) (2022)
3D modelling of the impact of stellar activity on tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets: atmospheric composition and habitability
On the Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere Coupling During the May 2021 Geomagnetic Storm
M. Piersanti, D. Del Moro, A. Parmentier, M. Martucci, F. Palma, A. Sotgiu, C. Plainaki, G. D’Angelo, F. Berrilli, D. Recchiuti, E. Papini, L. Giovannelli, G. Napoletano, R. Iuppa, P. Diego, A. Cicone, M. Mergé, C. De Donato, C. De Santis, R. Sparvoli, P. Ubertini, R. Battiston and P. Picozza Space Weather 20(6) (2022)
Direct Determination of Geomagnetic Baselines During Quiet Periods for Low‐ and Mid‐Latitude Observatories
V. Haberle, A. Marchaudon, A. Chambodut and P.‐L. Blelly Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127(8) (2022)
Temporal Variations of the Three Geomagnetic Field Components at Colaba Observatory around the Carrington Storm in 1859
Hisashi Hayakawa, Heikki Nevanlinna, Séan P. Blake, Yusuke Ebihara, Ankush T. Bhaskar and Yoshizumi Miyoshi The Astrophysical Journal 928(1) 32 (2022)
The extreme solar and geomagnetic storms on 1940 March 20–25
Hisashi Hayakawa, Denny M Oliveira, Margaret A Shea, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517(2) 1709 (2022)
Episodic Gaseous Outflows and Mass Loss from Red Supergiants
Kentaro Hattori, Hisashi Hayakawa and Yusuke Ebihara Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 73(5) 1367 (2021)
The Extreme Space Weather Event in 1941 February/March
Hisashi Hayakawa, Sean P. Blake, Ankush Bhaskar, Kentaro Hattori, Denny M. Oliveira and Yusuke Ebihara The Astrophysical Journal 908(2) 209 (2021)
Timescales for Prebiotic Photochemistry Under Realistic Surface Ultraviolet Conditions
Estimating Maximum Extent of Auroral Equatorward Boundary Using Historical and Simulated Surface Magnetic Field Data
Seán P. Blake, Antti Pulkkinen, Peter W. Schuck, Alex Glocer and Gabor Tóth Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126(2) (2021)
Development of Space Weather Reasonable Worst‐Case Scenarios for the UK National Risk Assessment
Mike Hapgood, Matthew J. Angling, Gemma Attrill, Mario Bisi, Paul S. Cannon, Clive Dyer, Jonathan P. Eastwood, Sean Elvidge, Mark Gibbs, Richard A. Harrison, Colin Hord, Richard B. Horne, David R. Jackson, Bryn Jones, Simon Machin, Cathryn N. Mitchell, John Preston, John Rees, Neil C. Rogers, Graham Routledge, Keith Ryden, Rick Tanner, Alan W. P. Thomson, James A. Wild and Mike Willis Space Weather 19(4) (2021)
EDEN: Flare Activity of the Nearby Exoplanet-hosting M Dwarf Wolf 359 Based on K2 and EDEN Light Curves
Chia-Lung Lin, Wen-Ping Chen, Wing-Huen Ip, Dániel Apai, Alex Bixel, Richard Boyle, Jose Perez Chavez, Nestor Espinoza, Aidan Gibbs, Paul Gabor, Thomas Henning, Luigi Mancini, Benjamin V. Rackham, Martin Schlecker, Jeremy Dietrich, Quentin Jay Socia, Miriam Keppler, Asmita Bhandare and Maximilian Häberle The Astronomical Journal 162(1) 11 (2021)
The relevance of local magnetic records when using extreme space weather events as benchmarks
Timelines as a tool for learning about space weather storms
Delores J. Knipp, Valerie Bernstein, Kaiya Wahl and Hisashi Hayakawa Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 11 29 (2021)
Analytical and empirical modelling of the origin and heliospheric propagation of coronal mass ejections, and space weather applications
Recreating the Horizontal Magnetic Field at Colaba During the Carrington Event With Geospace Simulations
Seán P. Blake, Antti Pulkkinen, Peter W. Schuck, Alex Glocer, Denny M. Oliveira, Daniel T. Welling, Robert S. Weigel and Gary Quaresima Space Weather 19(5) (2021)
Climatological Statistics of Extreme Geomagnetic Fluctuations With Periods From 1 s to 60 min
The Intensity and Evolution of the Extreme Solar and Geomagnetic Storms in 1938 January
Hisashi Hayakawa, Kentaro Hattori, Alexei A. Pevtsov, Yusuke Ebihara, Margaret A. Shea, Ken G. McCracken, Ioannis A. Daglis, Ankush T. Bhaskar, Paulo Ribeiro and Delores J. Knipp The Astrophysical Journal 909(2) 197 (2021)
Candidate Auroral Observations Indicating a Major Solar–Terrestrial Storm in 1680: Implication for Space Weather Events during the Maunder Minimum
Modelling GPS Positioning Performance in Northwest Passage during Extreme Space Weather Conditions
Darko Špoljar, Oliver Jukic, Nenad Sikirica, Kristijan Lenac and Renato Filjar TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation 15(1) 165 (2021)
Prediction of geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) flowing in Japanese power grid for Carrington-class magnetic storms
Aurora Sightings Observed in Chinese History Caused by CIRs or Great-storm CMEs
Guowei Wang, Shuo Yao, Yiqun Yu, Dong Wei, Fei Di, Xiujuan Bao, Shihong Zhang and Jianjun Liu The Astrophysical Journal 908(2) 187 (2021)
Quo vadis, European Space Weather community?
Jean Lilensten, Mateja Dumbović, Luca Spogli, et al. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 11 26 (2021)
The flare likelihood and region eruption forecasting (FLARECAST) project: flare forecasting in the big data & machine learning era
Manolis K. Georgoulis, D. Shaun Bloomfield, Michele Piana, et al. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 11 39 (2021)
Electric Current Evolution at the Footpoints of Solar Eruptions
Krzysztof Barczynski, Guillaume Aulanier, Miho Janvier, Brigitte Schmieder and Sophie Masson The Astrophysical Journal 895(1) 18 (2020)
Intensity and time series of extreme solar-terrestrial storm in 1946 March
Hisashi Hayakawa, Yusuke Ebihara, Alexei A Pevtsov, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497(4) 5507 (2020)
On extreme space weather events: Solar eruptions, energetic protons and geomagnetic storms