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Empirical relations for the sensitivities of solar-like oscillations to magnetic perturbations

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The rotation–activity relation of M dwarfs: From K2 to TESS and PLATO

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Seismic Signatures of Stellar Magnetic Activity—What Can We Expect From TESS?

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New Suns in the Cosmos. V. Stellar Rotation and Multifractality in Active Kepler Stars

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Revisiting the Impact of Stellar Magnetic Activity on the Detectability of Solar-Like Oscillations by Kepler

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Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 6 (2019)

Stellar dynamics of low mass stars from the surface to the interior measured by CoRoT and Kepler

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Frequency dependence of p-mode frequency shifts induced by magnetic activity in Kepler solar-like stars

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Helioseismology and Dynamics of the Solar Interior

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New Suns in the Cosmos. IV. The Multifractal Nature of Stellar Magnetic Activity in Kepler Cool Stars

D. B. de Freitas, M. M. F. Nepomuceno, M. Gomes de Souza, I. C. Leão, M. L. Das Chagas, A. D. Costa, B. L. Canto Martins and J. R. De Medeiros
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A path towards understanding the rotation–activity relation of M dwarfs with K2 mission, X-ray and UV data

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Magnetic activity cycles in solar-like stars: The cross-correlation technique ofp-mode frequency shifts

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Observational techniques to measure solar and stellar oscillations

R.A. García, E. Michel, C. Charbonnel and B. Dintrans
EAS Publications Series 73-74 193 (2015)