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Supervised Detection of Ionospheric Scintillation in Low-Latitude Radio Occultation Measurements
Vinícius Ludwig-Barbosa, Thomas Sievert, Anders Carlström, Mats I. Pettersson, Viet T. Vu and Joel Rasch Remote Sensing 13(9) 1690 (2021)
Testing and validating IRI-2016 model over Ethiopian ionosphere
Comparison and Validation of the Ionospheric Climatological Morphology of FY3C/GNOS with COSMIC during the Recent Low Solar Activity Period
Weihua Bai, Guangyuan Tan, Yueqiang Sun, Junming Xia, Cheng Cheng, Qifei Du, Xianyi Wang, Guanglin Yang, Mi Liao, Yan Liu, Xiangguang Meng, Danyang Zhao, Congliang Liu, Yuerong Cai, Dongwei Wang, Yingqiang Wang, Cong Yin, Peng Hu and Ziyan Liu Remote Sensing 11(22) 2686 (2019)
Beidou Navigation Satellite System Sounding of the Ionosphere from FY-3C GNOS:Preliminary Results
Guanglin YANG, Yueqiang SUN, Weihua BAI, Xiaoxin ZHANG, Zhongdong YANG, Peng ZHANG and Guangyuan TAN Chinese Journal of Space Science 39(1) 36 (2019)
Application of the Fengyun 3 C GNSS occultation sounder for assessing the global ionospheric response to a magnetic storm event
A global picture of ionospheric slab thickness derived from GIM TEC and COSMIC radio occultation observations
He Huang, Libo Liu, Yiding Chen, Huijun Le and Weixing Wan Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121(1) 867 (2016)