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The Second-Order Derivative of GPS Carrier Phase as a Promising Means for Ionospheric Scintillation Research

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SibNet — Siberian Global Navigation Satellite System Network: Current state

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WTEC: A new index to estimate the intensity of ionospheric disturbances

S.V. Voeykov, A.S. Yasyukevich, I.K. Edemskiy, N.P. Perevalova and Yu.V. Yasyukevich
Results in Physics 11 1056 (2018)

SibNet — Siberian Global Navigation Satellite System Network: Current state

Natalia Perevalova, Наталья Перевалова, Artem Vesnin, et al.
Solnechno-Zemnaya Fizika 4 (4) 82 (2018)