- Details
- Published on 15 October 2012
Deadline 31 March 2013
The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (SWSC, http://www.swsc-journal.org/) plans a Topical Issue "Space Weather and Challenges for Modern Society" to appear in 2013. It will be jointly organised by the Editors-in-Chief (EiC) of SWSC and members of the Programme Committee of the conference "Space Weather and Challenges for Modern Society", Oslo, 22-24 October 2012. Authors of oral and poster presentations given at the conference are encouraged to submit manuscripts for this Topical Issue.
The conference was organised by The International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS) in cooperation with the Norwegian Space Centre, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, Norwegian Statnett, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Danish Meteorological Institute, and Swedish Institute of Space Physics, see also http://tiems.info/About-TIEMS/oslo-conference-2012.html .
Deadline for submission is 31 March 2013 through the SWSC web site. If you need additional time to complete your submission, please do not hesitate to contact the SWSC editorial office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Publication in this Topical Issue is free of charge.
The type of contributions must fit the style of SWSC. All manuscripts are peer reviewed according to the quality standards of international scientific journals. It is therefore required that all manuscripts submitted for publication in SWSC contain enough new insight; present the results against a properly referenced background of existing work; present adequate evidence that supports the conclusions; write clearly, concisely and comprehensively and include all necessary and appropriate figures and tables but not more. Accepted papers are published in electronic form only.
Peter Wintoft (Guest EiC), Anna Belehaki and Jean Lilensten (EiC)