Open Access

Table 1.

Results of the GPS detection of ionospheric responses to solar eclipses.

Date Region Technique Parameters τ, min A ΔT, min Paper
24.10.1995 South and North GPS TEC 0–120 0.2–15 TECU 80–200 Tsai & Liu (1999)
09.03.1997 Asia n = 5 0–140 0.4–14 TECU
03.10.2005 Europe GPS DMSP TEC, Ne 1 TECU Le et al. (2009a)
09.03.1997 Irkutsk GPS (30 sec) GLOBDET n = 3 TEC 9–10 2 TECU 70–75 Afraimovich et al. (1998)
11.08.1999 Europe GPS (30 sec) GLOBDET n = 98 TEC 16.4 0.3 TECU 62 Afraimovich et al. (2002a)
n=19 8 0.2 TECU 63
21.06.2001 Africa GPS (30 sec) GLOBDET n = 9 TEC 19.9 0.7 TECU 50 Afraimovich & Perevalova (2006)
29.03.2006 Kazakhstan GPS (30 sec) GLOBDET n = 5 TEC 11 0.7 TECU 90 Afraimovich et al. (2007)
22.07.2009 Japan GPS (30 sec) GLOBDET n = 1220 TEC 6 0.15–0.4 TECU 60 Afraimovich et al. (2010a)

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