Table 1.

Numerical codes available to the member institutions of SWIFF consortium.

Code Institution Description
FlipMHD Katholieke Universiteit Leuven The FlipMHD code developed by Brackbill (1991) solves a set of equations for viscous and resistive MHD flow. The code uses the fluid-implicit-particle method and extends it to the magnetohydrodynamic flow by using the particle-in-cell method.
MPI-AMRVAC Katholieke Universiteit Leuven The MPI-AMRVAC code is based on the Versatile Advection Code by Tóth (1996) which has been expanded through the years by Keppens Keppens et al. (2012). It is a finite-volume, Newtonian or relativistic (M)HD code with adaptive mesh refinement. MPI-AMRVAC can solve equations in various coordinate systems, with different number of spatial dimensions.
Stagger code University of Copenhagen The Stagger code by Nordlund & Galsgaard (1997) is a 3D resistive and compressible MHD code. It employs staggered grids, which allows to reach the conservation of mass, momentum, and div B to machine precision.
Two-fluid code University of Pisa The Two-fluid code was developed by Faganello et al. (2009). It is based on a two-fluid, ion-electron plasma approach including electron inertia effects in a fluid framework. A new version including first-order Finite Larmor Radius (FLR) corrections in the pressure tensor is under development.
Hybrid code Astronomical Institute (Prague) In the Hybrid code by Matthews (1994), ions are treated with a particle-in-cell scheme, while electrons are represented by a massless, isothermal, charge-neutralizing fluid. The code is based on current advance method and cyclic leapfrog algorithm.
iPIC3D Katholieke Universiteit Leuven The iPIC3D code of Markidis et al. (2010) is a fully kinetic, fully electromagnetic three-dimensional particle-in-cell code which implements the moment implicit method.
PhotonPlasma University of Copenhagen The Photon Plasma code Haugboelle (2005), Frederiksen et al. (2008) combines a highly parallelized (Vlasov) particle-in-cell approach with continuous weighting of particles and a sub-Debye Monte-Carlo binary particle interaction framework.
Kinetic Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy The kinetic code developed by Pierrard et al. (2010; Pierrard 2011a) solves Vlasov and Fokker-Planck equations to determine the velocity distribution functions of the particles.

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