Fig. 5.
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Acquired auroral oval boundaries in the dusk sector using magnetic field variations produced from the W05 electric potential and field aligned current model. The map (left) shows the electric potential pattern, calculated disturbance vectors at selected magnetometer locations and determined electrojet boundaries (red and green). The direction towards the sun is indicated with the black vector above the map. Time of the model run is stated above the map, and time stamp for simulated conditions in the lower right corner. The latitudinal profile of the vertical (z-) component is presented in the upper right plot, the solid line represents a natural spline fit to the simulated measurements (crosses). Vertical green and red lines indicate obtained equatorward and poleward electrojet boundaries, respectively. The latitude profile of the horizontal (solid line) and x- (dashed line) components is presented in the lower right plot. Crosses indicate simulated measurements. Stars in both plots indicate simulated measurements (z and x) from a thought magnetometer chain located strictly along the magnetic meridian.
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