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Table 2.

Simulation results. The unit of intensity is .

Run (km) u 1 (km s−1) β β C × 10−6 (pfu MeV β ′) α E c (MeV) ϵ × 104 a (10−3 r )
1a 3.28 1612 1.366 1.265 65.6 3.845 12.05 11.9 4.30
1b 3.28 1612 1.365 1.265 67.1 3.911 11.97 12.2 4.17
1c 3.28 1612 1.390 1.265 118 3.959 22.82 21.4 2.30
2a 7.14 1469 1.226 1.144 15.3 4.651 18.48 10.3 10.2
2b 7.14 1469 1.261 1.144 15.2 4.791 18.44 10.3 9.53
2c 7.14 1469 1.218 1.144 27.3 4.793 38.60 18.4 5.41
3a 11.9 1260 1.235 1.112 3.36 4.407 9.381 6.95 28.8
3b 11.9 1260 1.230 1.112 3.10 4.482 9.382 6.42 31.4
3c 11.9 1260 1.204 1.112 5.85 4.859 20.73 12.1 15.5
4a 19.9 1097 1.252 1.086 0.299 3.542 1.573 1.91 270
4b 19.9 1097 1.253 1.086 0.311 3.613 1.750 1.98 257
4c 19.9 1097 1.210 1.086 0.526 4.180 3.660 3.35 136

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