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Table 4

Top 10 nodes in the Finland 2016 grid at which the largest GIC occurs during the 8035 time steps used in this study. The largest GIC due to a uniform electric field of 1 V/km across the whole grid is given in the last column (max(GIC0)). The two different ground conductivity models of Table 1 are used. See Figure 6 for graphical illustration.

(lat,lon) Hits Max(GIC) (A) Max(GIC0) (A)
Ground model: block 25 node
Pirttikoski (66.30 N, 27.20 E) 2016 285.7 81.7
Petäjäskoski (66.30 N, 25.30 E) 1303 211.8 90.2
Pikkarala (64.90 N, 25.80 E) 1291 231.6 107.9
Sellee (65.80 N, 24.10 E) 1217 184.1 56.6
Alajärvi (63.00 N, 24.20 E) 429 186.0 110.4
Varangerbotn (70.00 N, 28.50 E) 368 276.0 35.2
Olkiluoto (61.20 N, 21.50 E) 354 115.9 77.1
Isoniemi (67.50 N, 24.80 E) 334 188.9 41.7
Vyborg (60.70 N, 28.70 E) 271 194.7 84.6
Seinäjoki (62.80 N, 22.70 E) 139 108.4 74.1
Ground model: all blocks node
Pirttikoski (66.30 N, 27.20 E) 2994 366.0 81.7
Isoniemi (67.50 N, 24.80 E) 1185 226.3 41.7
Sellee (65.80 N, 24.10 E) 1109 195.2 56.6
Pikkarala (64.90 N, 25.80 E) 993 263.6 107.9
Petäjäskoski (66.30 N, 25.30 E) 968 208.2 90.2
Varangerbotn (70.00 N, 28.50 E) 363 302.5 35.2
Alapitkä (63.20 N, 27.50 E) 257 237.6 84.3
Vuolijoki (64.00 N, 27.00 E) 51 192.9 67.0
Utsjoki (69.50 N, 27.00 E) 50 171.0 24.8
Seitenoikea (64.60 N, 28.40 E) 48 251.3 36.1

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