Fig. 5
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A combined view of the application of the MFHC module to two time steps of the the June 7, 2011 event, separated by three minutes. (Panels A and C) AIA 193 Å base-difference images. (Panels B and D) A view of the combined CSGS and PFSS models plotted over AIA 193 Å images. Front-crossing field lines are colored in orange (closed) and blue (open), filled green dots show the crossing points. (Panels E and F) θBN angles plotted as a function of position on the front (center is front nose, edges are front flanks). Purple to red scaling correspond to θBN values of 0 to 90°. Open (white) circles in Panel F denote the open field lines. (Panels G and H) View from solar north of the PFSS coronal field model (white lines) showing spread of OCBF-connected field lines in the corona, as well as magnetic connectivity. Orange (closed) and blue (open) colored field lines cross the CSGS front. The red arcs at bottom represent a range of Earth-connected longitudes (see text).
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