Fig. 7

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Correlogams showing the correlation between 27-day Bartels solar rotation means of power input into the magnetosphere, Pα, with the corrected a K indices, a K /s(δ), as a function of the coupling exponent, α. The colours are for the same data as used in Figure 6: (mauve) Sodankylä, SOD; (brown) Eskdalemuir, ESK; (orange) Niemegk, NGK; (red) Hartland, HAD; (blue) Canberra, CNB; and (green) a spline of Gangara, GNA and nearby Gingin, GNG (see text for details). The black line is the am index. The coloured dots and vertical dashed lines show the optimum α that gives the peak correlation. The horizontal bars show the uncertainty in the optimum α which is the larger of the two 1-σ uncertainties computed using the two procedures described by Lockwood et al. (2018c).
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