Open Access

Table 1

The correlation coefficients (r b and r a for daily means in 11 years before and after the joins, respectively) and the slope s c and intercept c c for recalibrating stations for the 8 time-of-year (F) bins employed.

Correction Date Fraction of year, F F bin Correlations (τ = 1 day)
Slope, s c Intercept, c c (nT)
Before, r b After, r a
Northern hemisphere
Scale a HAD to am 2002–2009 0 ≤ F < 1 All 0.978 0.9566 −1.3448
Scale a ABN/s to [aa HN]HAD 1957 0 ≤ F < 0.125 1 0.977 0.981 0.8629 0.3828
0.125 ≤ F < 0.25 2 0.973 0.980 0.8381 0.9176
0.25 ≤ F < 0.375 3 0.980 0.982 1.0112 −1.8577
0.375 ≤ F < 0.5 4 0.961 0.968 0.8073 0.7078
0 .5 ≤ F < 0.625 5 0.966 0.987 0.8274 0.5914
0.625 ≤ F < 0.75 6 0.974 0.980 0.8744 −0.0868
0.75 ≤ F < 0.875 7 0.965 0.987 0.8820 −0.2354
0.875 ≤ F < 1 8 0.961 0.962 0.9315 −1.1993
Scale a GRW/s to [aa HN]ABN 1925 0 ≤ F < 0.125 1 0.958 0.968 0.8247 1.0065
0.125 ≤ F < 0.25 2 0.968 0.967 0.9650 −0.2352
0.25 ≤ F < 0.375 3 0.972 0.975 1.1505 −2.4545
0.375 ≤ F < 0.5 4 0.962 0.980 0.9074 0.4653
0 .5 ≤ F < 0.625 5 0.895 0.943 0.8210 2.6866
0.625 ≤ F < 0.75 6 0.968 0.962 0.9297 0.4328
0.75 ≤ F < 0.875 7 0.969 0.979 0.8442 0.9568
0.875 ≤ F < 1 8 0.959 0.971 0.9537 −0.7122

Scale a CNB to am 2002–2009 0 ≤ F < 1 All 0.969 1.0994 −0.0176
Scale a TOO/s to [aa HS]CNB 1980 0 ≤ F < 0.125 1 0.960 0.975 0.9630 1.6383
0.125 ≤ F < 0.25 2 0.970 0.985 0.9625 0.7734
0.25 ≤ F < 0.375 3 0.973 0.965 0.9236 1.7372
0.375 ≤ F < 0.5 4 0.954 0.961 0.9844 −0.4578
0 .5 ≤ F < 0.625 5 0.975 0.968 0.8295 2.0492
0.625 ≤ F < 0.75 6 0.974 0.973 0.8942 1.2822
0.75 ≤ F < 0.875 7 0.970 0.973 0.9565 1.0986
0.875 ≤ F < 1 8 0.964 0.971 0.9573 0.8425
Scale a MEL/s to [aa HS]TOO 1920 0 ≤ F < 0.125 1 0.923 0.933 0.8934 0.8032
0.125 ≤ F < 0.25 2 0.928 0.949 0.8589 0.8115
0.25 ≤ F < 0.375 3 0.909 0.963 0.7325 2.5553
0.375 ≤ F < 0.5 4 0.912 0.915 0.8085 0.8432
0 .5 ≤ F < 0.625 5 0.945 0.968 0.9564 −0.0702
0.625 ≤ F < 0.75 6 0.908 0.950 0.8264 0.5843
0.75 ≤ F < 0.875 7 0.915 0.959 0.7737 1.8538
0.875 ≤ F < 1 8 0.928 0.905 0.9100 0.6631

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