Table 2

The statistical positional error analysis at rover station 2.

Date(dd/mm/yy) Methods/Algorithm 3DRMS (m) CEP (m) SEP (m)
Station-2 (latitude of 21.150223 and longitude of 72.805590)
13/08/17 IRNSS Klobuchar 16.2615 2.4301 2.1728
K P = 2+, A P = 6 IRNSS GIVE 4.0598 0.9306 1.9291
(TOWC) 1:40,000 IRNSS TSE 5 min coefficients 3.5583 0.8485 1.3423
IRNSS Dual 2.7021 0.7508 0.8396
IRNSS Dual + GPS 1.5215 0.4625 0.6172
08/01/18 IRNSS Klobuchar 22.5805 4.5001 5.1728
K P = 1+, A P = 3 IRNSS GIVE 8.0174 1.9134 2.7457
(TOWC) 1:71,327 IRNSS TSE 5 min coefficients 7.7866 1.8571 2.0608
IRNSS Dual 6.6045 1.5714 1.9519
IRNSS Dual + GPS 3.2675 0.7665 0.8273

Notes: 3DRMS, three dimensional distance root mean square; CEP, circular error probability; GIVE, grid ionospheric vertical error; GPS, global positioning system; IRNSS, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System; SEP, spherical error probability; TOWC, time of week count; TSE, Taylor Series Expansion.

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