Open Access

Table 1

Detector parameters are provided for reference. Here V is the volume, ρ the density, m the mass, g the geometric factor, C the scaling factor calculated using equations (2), (3) and (4). In order to make sensible comparisons, we use phantoms of equal volume and equal mean path. The second last column contains the scaling factor C as defined with equations (2), (3), (4), while in the last column, the C factors are stated relative to C ICRU.

Shape Dimensions (cm) V (cm3) ρ (g cm−3) m (g) g (cm2) C (cm3 g−1) C/C ICRU
Si Slab 0.0922 × 0.0922 × 0.0350 0.297 × 10−3 2.333 0.693 × 10−3 π × 2a 2 = 0.0534 77.2 123
H2O Slab 0.0922 × 0.0922 × 0.0350 0.297 × 10−3 0.997 0.296 × 10−3 π × 2a 2 = 0.0534 180.6 287
Si Disc r = 0.052, H = 0.0350 0.297 × 10−3 2.333 0.693 × 10−3 π × 2r 2 = 0.0534 77.2 123
H2O Disc r = 0.052, H = 0.0350 0.297 × 10−3 0.997 0.296 × 10−3 π × 2r 2 = 0.0534 180.6 287
Si Sphere r = 0.0414 0.297 × 10−3 2.333 0.693 × 10−3 π × 4πr 2 = 0.0677 97.6 155
H2O Sphere r = 0.0414 0.297 × 10−3 0.997 0.296 × 10−3 π × 4πr 2 = 0.0677 228.3 362
ICRU Sphere r = 15 14 137 0.997 14 095 π × 4πr 2 = 8882.6 0.63 1
CRaTER-μ Slab 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.025 6.25 × 10−3 2.333 14.6 × 10−3 π × 2a 2 = 1.571 107.7 171

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