Open Access

Table 2

Relevant Northern Europe magnetic observatories and Malmö (not observatory).

Observatory Acronym Latitude Longitude ED latitude Inv. latitude 00 LMT
Abisko ABK 68.36° N 18.82° E 64.68° 65.50° 21:26 UT
Dombaas DOM 62.07° N 9.11° E 59.72° 59.70° 22:16 UT
Lerwick LER 60.13° N 358.82° E 59.15° 58.56° 22:58 UT
Uppsala UPS 59.90° N 17.35° E 56.63° 57.00° 21:50 UT
Lövö LOV 59.35° N 17.83° E 56.04° 56.40° 21:50 UT
Brorfelde BFE 55.63° N 11.67° E 53.18° 52.90° 22:17 UT
Hel HLP 54.61° N 18.82° E 51.30° 51.45° 21:52 UT
Hartland HAD 50.99° N 355.52° E 50.82° 48.96° 23:25 UT
Malmö No 55.60° N 12.98° E 52.87° 52.35° 22:12 UT

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