Table 1

SHARPs magnetic field features: values for these 19 features, as well as estimates of the errors in those calculations, are provided for each magnetogram in the SHARPs database.

Acronym Description Units
LAT_FWT Latitude of the flux-weighted center of active pixels degrees
LAT_FWT Latitude of the flux-weighted center of active pixels degrees
AREA_ACR Line-of-sight field active pixel area micro hemispheres
USFLUX Total unsigned flux Mx
MEANGAM Mean inclination angle, gamma degrees
MEANGBT Mean value of the total field gradient G/Mm
MEANGBZ Mean value of the vertical field gradient G/Mm
MEANGBH Mean value of the horizontal field gradient G/Mm
MEANJZD Mean vertical current density mA/m2
TOTUSJZ Total unsigned vertical current A
MEANALP Total twist parameter, alpha 1/Mm
MEANJZH Mean current helicity G2/m
TOTUSJH Total unsigned current helicity G2/m
ABSNJZH Absolute value of the net current helicity G2/m
SAVNCPP Sum of the absolute value of the net currents per polarity A
MEANPOT Mean photospheric excess magnetic energy density ergs/cm3
TOTPOT Total photospheric magnetic energy density ergs/cm3
MEANSHR Mean shear angle (measured using Btotal) degrees
SHRGT45 Percentage of pixels with a mean shear angle greater than 45° percent

Abbreviations: Mx: Maxwells, G: Gauss, Mm: megameters, A: Amperes.

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