Open Access
Table 2
Geometry-based features: 16 total for each magnetogram. All distances were measured in terms of pixels for SDO HMI magnetogram images with a pixel resolution of one arcsecond (1 arcsecond = 725 km).
Name | Units | # of features |
Total number of positive (negative) clusters | integer | 2 |
Size of largest positive (negative) clusters | arcseconds | 2 |
Interaction factor of MIP | G2/arcseconds2 | 1 |
COM distance between positive and negative elements of MIP | arcseconds | 1 |
Smallest distance between elements of MIP | arcseconds | 1 |
COM distance to smallest distance ratio | arcseconds | 1 |
Total magnetic flux of each element of MIP | G | 2 |
Size of each element of MIP | arcseconds2 | 2 |
Total magnetic flux per unit area of each element of MIP | G/arcseconds2 | 2 |
Total magnetic flux of largest elements in the magnetogram | G | 2 |
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