Fig. 11
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[Left] Comparison of the coronal extent in each eclipse drawings: Johann Meyer (Fig. 7; CUL.MS.RGO 1/69, f. 256; Photograph by Hisashi Hayakawa, reproduced by permission of Syndics of ©Cambridge University Library), Johann Melchior Füssly (Fig. 8), and Maria Clara Eimmart (Fig. 9; MS SBB Kart A2398; with courtesy of ©Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Kartenabteilung). They show significantly good agreements in their extent; [right] Simulated corona during the MM adopted from Figure 6 of Riley et al. (2015). Note that this comparison takes the lunar disk in Mayer’s depiction to be the cross-hatched area and not the irregular inner region that has the same cross hatching with additional dark marks. Being depictions of the eclipse over landscapes, only Meyer’s and Füssly extend beyond the frame shown. The shading of the outer region using horizontal lines in Meyer’s print extends throughout the sky over Zürich (except where he marks planets and one star) so there is no doubt that he is not depicting any brightness outside the uniform halo. Füssly’s landscape does, on the other hand, contain a very faint enhancement on one side of the Sun that is shown in Figure 12.
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