Table 3

Examples of capacity building schools organized by SCOSTEP.

Place Dates Initiatives Participants and countries Additional outreach to younger students and kids
Nairobi, Kenya October 21–November 1, 2003 SCOSTEP and ISWI 39 students from 7 countries High school students from the backhouse in Nairobi visited where the students learned about space situational awareness and space weather.
Lima, Peru September 15–24, 2014 SCOSTEP and ISWI 42 students from 9 countries
Bandung, Indonesia March 16–20, 2015 SCOSTEP’s VarSITI program 39 students from 9 Asian countries
Abuja, Nigeria September 14–18, 2015 SCOSTEP’s VarSITI program 65 students from 7 African countries An outreach seminar was made at a local elementary/junior high school in Abuja.
Sangli Maharastra, India November 7–17, 2016 SCOSTEP and ISWI 74 students from 14 countries A Question/Answer session was included with ~100 science students from local Sangli high schools.
Irkutsk, Russia July 10–15, 2017 SCOSTEP’s VarSITI program 35 students from 5 countries
Ota, Nigeria September 11–15 SCOSTEP’s VarSITI program 38 students from 7 African countries
Bandung, Indonesia March 5–9, 2018 SCOSTEP’s VarSITI program 40 students from 7 Asian countries
Baku, Azerbaijan October 8–12, 2018 SCOSTEP and ISWI 53 students from 24 countries

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