Open Access

Table 4

Summary of the results for the events analysed. The table includes: the peak value reached by the RE range (column 2) for the event (column 1), the date (UT) when the peak value of RE range is reached (column 3), the Positive and Negative Residual Envelopes (PRE and NRE) at that date (columns 4 and 6) and the MLT at the observatory whose R obs,i coincides with the PRE and NRE at the date in column (3).

Event RE range,peak Date
# (nT) Year Month Day (DoY) (nT) (hh) (nT) (hh)
1 268 2000 April 6 (98) 23:39 106 1.40 −162 6.62
2 518 2000 July 15 (197) 20:24 297 14.42 −221 12.41
3 282 2000 August 12 (225) 03:41 112 3.40 −170 10.65
4 471 2001 April 11 (101) 16:12 220 23.17 −251 10.22
5 352 2001 November 6 (310) 02:05 119 20.10 −233 9.10
6 455 2001 November 24 (328) 07:13 241 23.23 −214 6.93
7 1030 2003 October 29 (302) 06:55 435 0.93 −595 8.67
8 602 2003 November 20 (324) 19:39 140 11.66 −462 2.62
9 361 2004 November 8 (313) 01:21 197 3.00 −164 17.36
10 240 2015 March 17 (76) 13:54 141 5.92 −99 15.65

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