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Table B1

Geographic and magnetic location of magnetic observatories in the analysis of the historic events (Table 1). The fifth column refers to the magnetic latitude according to the IGRF model available closest of the year of the event (when several periods are involved, the magnetic latitude range is given). Column 6 gives information to transform from Universal Time to Magnetic Local Time.

Observatory name IAGA code Geographic latitude (°) Geographic longitude (°) Magnetic latitude (°) UT-MLT (h)
Apia API −13.80 188.22 −16.0 −11.45
Ashkhabad ASH 37.95 58.10 30.3 +3.87
Boulder BOU 40.14 254.76 48.8 −7.02
Coimbra COI 40.22 351.58 44.9 −0.56
Colaba CLA 19.06 72.35 9.9 +4.82
Cuajimalpa CUA 20.53 259.47 29.9 −6.70
Eskdalemuir ESK 55.32 356.80 58.0 ± 0.1 −0.21
Fredericksburg FRD 38.20 282.63 48.8 −5.16
Fresno FRN 37.09 240.28 43.6 −7.99
Greenwich GRW 51.48 0.00 54.1 ± 0.1 0.00
Hartland HAD 51.00 355.52 54.4 −0.30
Hermanus HER −34.43 19.23 −33.4 ± 0.1 +1.28
Hurbanovo HRB 47.86 18.19 47.1 +1.21
Kakioka KAK 36.23 140.18 26 ± 0.3 +9.35
Kew KEW 51.28 359.41 54.1 −0.04
Memambetsu MMB 43.91 144.19 34.5 ± 0.2 +9.61
Mauritius MRI −20.08 57.55 −26.4 +3.84
Paramaribo PAB 5.82 304.78 16.9 −3.68
San Fernando SFS 36.67 354.06 41 −0.40
SanJuan SJG 18.11 293.85 29.5 −4.41
San Pablo-Toledo SPT 39.55 355.65 43.2 ± 0.2 −0.29
Tbilisi TFS 42.08 44.70 36.4 +2.98
Tihany THY 46.90 17.89 45.8 +1.19
Tucson TUC 32.18 249.27 40.3 −7.38
Vieques VQS 18.15 294.55 29.4 −4.36

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