Table 4

DTW distances between spacecraft data and SEPMOD profiles of the 2021 October 9 SEP event at the various observers using the default code and the two fixed-source options.

Default + Solar flare + Coronal shock
Bepi 26.931 43.597 35.714
SolO 4.593 4.003 1.451
PSP 3.357 3.303 0.891
STEREO-A 6.301 4.917 1.853
Earth 0.282 0.282 0.682

Notes. The calculated DTW distances refer to the orange SEP time series in Figures 68, with energy ranges of 5.9–9.1 MeV at Bepi, 14.6–15.7 MeV at SolO, 13.5–16.0 MeV at PSP, 15.0–17.1 MeV at STEREO-A, and 7.8–25 MeV at SOHO. The units are [cm2·sr·s·MeV]−1 for all reported values.

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