Figure 1
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(a) One of the SW-C passes on the MLT-MLAT dial in the magnetic apex coordinates, and corresponding auroral oval (shaded red region), which was calculated from the model by Xiong & Lühr (2014). The point E (or P) represents the intersection of the orbit and the equatorward (or poleward) boundary of the dawnside part of the auroral oval, and M is the middle of their points. (b) IMF and solar wind plasma data from OMNI between 17:40 and 21:30 UT on 24 August, 2020. From top to bottom, the three components of IMF (BX, BY, and BZ) in GSM coordinate, the solar wind proton density, and flow speed are plotted. The vertical dotted lines at 21:12:02 UT indicate the time when SW-C crossed the point M.
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