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Unfolding the Neutron Flux Spectrum on the Surface of Mars Using the MSL‐RAD and Odyssey‐HEND Data

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Studies of the radiation environment on the Mars surface using the Geant4 toolkit

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Double-Differential FRaGmentation (DDFRG) models for proton and light ion production in high energy nuclear collisions

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Directionality of the Martian Surface Radiation and Derivation of the Upward Albedo Radiation

Jingnan Guo, Salman Khaksarighiri, Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber, Donald M. Hassler, Bent Ehresmann, Cary Zeitlin, Sven Löffler, Daniel Matthiä, Thomas Berger, Günther Reitz and Fred Calef
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (15) (2021)

Proton‐Radiation Tolerant All‐Perovskite Multijunction Solar Cells

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Natural Radiation Shielding on Mars Measured With the MSL/RAD Instrument

B. Ehresmann, D. M. Hassler, C. Zeitlin, J. Guo, R. F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber, S. Khaksari and S. Loeffler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126 (8) (2021)

Radiation environment for future human exploration on the surface of Mars: the current understanding based on MSL/RAD dose measurements

Jingnan Guo, Cary Zeitlin, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, et al.
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 29 (1) (2021)

Radiation Environment and Doses on Mars at Oxia Planum and Mawrth Vallis: Support for Exploration at Sites With High Biosignature Preservation Potential

F. Da Pieve, G. Gronoff, J. Guo, C. J. Mertens, L. Neary, B. Gu, N. E. Koval, J. Kohanoff, A. C. Vandaele and F. Cleri
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The use and validation of the Convection-Diffusion approximation in cosmic-rays modulation studies

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First Tests of a New Facility for Device-Level, Board-Level and System-Level Neutron Irradiation of Microelectronics

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (1) 104 (2021)

Estimation of the Astronaut’s Doses inside the Spacecraft Habitable Module in Deep Space

G. N. Timoshenko and I. S. Gordeev
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 51 (5) 988 (2020)

Are Further Cross Section Measurements Necessary for Space Radiation Protection or Ion Therapy Applications? Helium Projectiles

John W. Norbury, Giuseppe Battistoni, Judith Besuglow, et al.
Frontiers in Physics 8 (2020)

Radiation in Space: Relevance and Risk for Human Missions

Christine E. Hellweg, Daniel Matthiä, Thomas Berger and Christa Baumstark-Khan
SpringerBriefs in Space Life Sciences, Radiation in Space: Relevance and Risk for Human Missions 7 (2020)

Calculation of dose distribution in a realistic brain structure and the indication of space radiation influence on human brains

Salman Khaksarighiri, Jingnan Guo, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Livio Narici and Henning Lohf
Life Sciences in Space Research 27 33 (2020)

Correct modeling results are needed to inform mission planning and shield design

Tony C. Slaba and Robert C. Singleterry
Life Sciences in Space Research 25 143 (2020)

Updated deterministic radiation transport for future deep space missions

T.C. Slaba, J.W. Wilson, C.M. Werneth and K. Whitman
Life Sciences in Space Research 27 6 (2020)

Overview of the main radiation transport codes

Nikolaos Schetakis, Rodrigo Crespo, José Luis Vázquez-Poletti, Mariano Sastre, Luis Vázquez and Alessio Di Iorio
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 9 (2) 407 (2020)

Subsurface Radiation Environment of Mars and Its Implication for Shielding Protection of Future Habitats

Lennart Röstel, Jingnan Guo, Saša Banjac, Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber and Bernd Heber
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125 (3) (2020)

Investigating the biological potential of galactic cosmic ray-induced radiation-driven chemical disequilibrium in the Martian subsurface environment

Dimitra Atri
Scientific Reports 10 (1) (2020)

Assessment of Displacement Damage Effects in the Radio-Electronic Equipment of a Landing Module of the Spacecraft Exomars-2020

N. M. Khamidullina, M. E. Artiomov and A. A. Tyutyunnikov
Solar System Research 53 (7) 493 (2019)

Light ion double-differential cross section parameterization and results from the SHIELD transport code

John W. Norbury, Liudmila Latysheva and Nikolai Sobolevsky
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 947 162576 (2019)

The Pivot Energy of Solar Energetic Particles Affecting the Martian Surface Radiation Environment

Jingnan Guo, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Yuming Wang, Manuel Grande, Daniel Matthiä, Cary Zeitlin, Bent Ehresmann and Donald M. Hassler
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 883 (1) L12 (2019)

Research plans in Europe for radiation health hazard assessment in exploratory space missions

L. Walsh, U. Schneider, A. Fogtman, et al.
Life Sciences in Space Research 21 73 (2019)

On‐the‐Fly Calculation of Absorbed and Equivalent Atmospheric Radiation Dose in A Water Phantom with the Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS)

S. Banjac, B. Heber, K. Herbst, L. Berger and S. Burmeister
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (12) 9774 (2019)

Comparisons of High‐Linear Energy Transfer Spectra on the ISS and in Deep Space

C. Zeitlin, L. Narici, R. R. Rios, A. Rizzo, N. Stoffle, D. M. Hassler, B. Ehresmann, R. F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber, J. Guo, N. A. Schwadron and H. E. Spence
Space Weather 17 (3) 396 (2019)

Validation of Geant4 physics models for nuclear beams in extended media

Junliang Chen, Sujun Yun, Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren and Xiaoping Zhang
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 434 113 (2018)

Fast neutron irradiation tests of flash memories used in space environment at the ISIS spallation neutron source

C. Andreani, R. Senesi, A. Paccagnella, M. Bagatin, S. Gerardin, C. Cazzaniga, C. D. Frost, P. Picozza, G. Gorini, R. Mancini and M. Sarno
AIP Advances 8 (2) (2018)

Detecting Upward Directed Charged Particle Fluxes in the Mars Science Laboratory Radiation Assessment Detector

J. K. Appel, J. Köehler, J. Guo, B. Ehresmann, C. Zeitlin, D. Matthiä, H. Lohf, R. F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber, D. Hassler, D. E. Brinza, E. Böhm, S. Böttcher, C. Martin, S. Burmeister, G. Reitz, S. Rafkin, A. Posner, J. Peterson and G. Weigle
Earth and Space Science 5 (1) 2 (2018)

Charged particles radiation measurements with Liulin-MO dosimeter of FREND instrument aboard ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter during the transit and in high elliptic Mars orbit

Jordanka Semkova, Rositza Koleva, Victor Benghin, et al.
Icarus 303 53 (2018)

Catalytic/Protective Properties of Martian Minerals and Implications for Possible Origin of Life on Mars

Teresa Fornaro, Andrew Steele and John Robert Brucato
Life 8 (4) 56 (2018)

A Generalized Approach to Model the Spectra and Radiation Dose Rate of Solar Particle Events on the Surface of Mars

Jingnan Guo, Cary Zeitlin, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Thoren McDole, Patrick Kühl, Jan C. Appel, Daniel Matthiä, Johannes Krauss and Jan Köhler
The Astronomical Journal 155 (1) 49 (2018)


Tatsuhiko Sato, Aiko Nagamatsu, Haruka Ueno, et al.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 180 (1-4) 146 (2018)

Mars Science Laboratory Radiation Assessment Detector (MSL/RAD) Modeling Workshop Proceedings

Donald M. Hassler, John W. Norbury and Günther Reitz
Life Sciences in Space Research (2017)

Optimal shielding thickness for galactic cosmic ray environments

Tony C. Slaba, Amir A. Bahadori, Brandon D. Reddell, et al.
Life Sciences in Space Research 12 1 (2017)

Comparing HZETRN, SHIELD, FLUKA and GEANT transport codes

John W. Norbury, Tony C. Slaba, Nikolai Sobolevsky and Brandon Reddell
Life Sciences in Space Research 14 64 (2017)

The responses of an anaerobic microorganism, Yersinia intermedia MASE-LG-1 to individual and combined simulated Martian stresses

Kristina Beblo-Vranesevic, Maria Bohmeier, Alexandra K. Perras, et al.
PLOS ONE 12 (10) e0185178 (2017)

Virtual Planetary Space Weather Services offered by the Europlanet H2020 Research Infrastructure

N. André, M. Grande, N. Achilleos, et al.
Planetary and Space Science (2017)

The radiation environment on the surface of Mars – Numerical calculations of the galactic component with GEANT4/PLANETOCOSMICS

Daniel Matthiä and Thomas Berger
Life Sciences in Space Research 14 57 (2017)

Radiation transport simulation of the Martian GCR surface flux and dose estimation using spherical geometry in PHITS compared to MSL-RAD measurements

John Flores-McLaughlin
Life Sciences in Space Research 14 36 (2017)

The charged particle radiation environment on Mars measured by MSL/RAD from November 15, 2015 to January 15, 2016

Bent Ehresmann, Cary J. Zeitlin, Donald M. Hassler, et al.
Life Sciences in Space Research 14 3 (2017)

The radiation environment on the surface of Mars - Summary of model calculations and comparison to RAD data

Daniel Matthiä, Donald M. Hassler, Wouter de Wet, et al.
Life Sciences in Space Research 14 18 (2017)

Cosmic-ray interaction data for designing biological experiments in space

T. Straume, T.C. Slaba, S. Bhattacharya and L.A. Braby
Life Sciences in Space Research 13 51 (2017)

Dependence of the Martian radiation environment on atmospheric depth: Modeling and measurement

Jingnan Guo, Tony C. Slaba, Cary Zeitlin, Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber, Francis F. Badavi, Eckart Böhm, Stephan Böttcher, David E. Brinza, Bent Ehresmann, Donald M. Hassler, Daniel Matthiä and Scot Rafkin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122 (2) 329 (2017)

DOSIS & DOSIS 3D: long-term dose monitoring onboard the Columbus Laboratory of the International Space Station (ISS)

Thomas Berger, Bartos Przybyla, Daniel Matthiä, et al.
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 6 A39 (2016)

Charged particle spectra measured during the transit to Mars with the Mars Science Laboratory Radiation Assessment Detector (MSL/RAD)

Bent Ehresmann, Donald M. Hassler, Cary Zeitlin, et al.
Life Sciences in Space Research 10 29 (2016)