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Spatial Development of the 1507–1510 Plague in Poland and Its Consequences. Kalisz District Case Study

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Thaddäus Derfflinger’s Sunspot Observations during 1802–1824: A Primary Reference to Understand the Dalton Minimum

Hisashi Hayakawa, Bruno P. Besser, Tomoya Iju, Rainer Arlt, Shoma Uneme, Shinsuke Imada, Philippe-A. Bourdin and Amand Kraml
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Complexity in crisis: The volcanic cold pulse of the 1690s and the consequences of Scotland's failure to cope

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Placing limits on long-term variations in quiet-Sun irradiance and their contribution to total solar irradiance and solar radiative forcing of climate

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Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 476 (2238) 20200077 (2020)

Assessing climate impacts on English economic growth (1645–1740): an econometric approach

José Luis Martínez-González, Jordi Suriñach, Gabriel Jover, et al.
Climatic Change 160 (2) 233 (2020)

Synchronous droughts and floods in the Southern Chinese Loess Plateau since 1646 CE in phase with decadal solar activities

Xuefeng Yu, Yi Wang, Shiyong Yu and Zhihai Kang
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Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492

Alexander Koch, Chris Brierley, Mark M. Maslin and Simon L. Lewis
Quaternary Science Reviews 207 13 (2019)

Southern Hemispheric Westerlies control sedimentary processes of Laguna Azul (south-eastern Patagonia, Argentina)

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Century-scale temperature variability and onset of industrial-era warming in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau

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The climate of Granada (southern Spain) during the first third of the 18th century (1706–1730) according to documentary sources

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Mild and Arid Climate in the Eastern Sahara‐Arabian Desert During the Late Little Ice Age

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Geophysical Research Letters 45 (14) 7112 (2018)