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Long-Term Science Goals with In Situ Observations at the Sun-Earth Lagrange Point L4
Dae-Young Lee, Rok-Soon Kim, Kyung-Eun Choi, Jungjoon Seough, Junga Hwang, Dooyoung Choi, Ji-Hyeon Yoo, Seunguk Lee, Sung Jun Noh, Jongho Seon, Kyung-Suk Cho, Kwangsun Ryu, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Jong-Dae Sohn, Jae-Young Kwak and Peter H. Yoon Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences 41(1) 1 (2024)
Adapting Ensemble‐Calibration Techniques to Probabilistic Solar‐Wind Forecasting
N. O. Edward‐Inatimi, M. J. Owens, L. Barnard, H. Turner, M. Marsh, S. Gonzi, M. Lang and P. Riley Space Weather 22(12) (2024)
Assessing the Performance of the ADAPT and AFT Flux Transport Models Using In Situ Measurements from Multiple Satellites
Kalman J. Knizhnik, Micah J. Weberg, Elena Provornikova, Harry P. Warren, Mark G. Linton, Shaheda Begum Shaik, Yuan-Kuen Ko, Samuel J. Schonfeld, Ignacio Ugarte-Urra and Lisa A. Upton The Astrophysical Journal 964(2) 188 (2024)
CMEs evolve in the interplanetary medium to double their predicted geo-effectiveness
Shirsh Lata Soni, Anwesha Maharana, Antonio Guerrero, Wageesh Mishra, Stefaan Poedts, Smitha Thampi and Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti Astronomy & Astrophysics 686 A23 (2024)
Toroidal modified Miller-Turner CME model in EUHFORIA: Validation and comparison with flux rope and spheromak
Calibrating the WSA Model in EUHFORIA Based on Parker Solar Probe Observations
E. Samara, C. N. Arge, R. F. Pinto, J. Magdalenić, N. Wijsen, M. L. Stevens, L. Rodriguez and S. Poedts The Astrophysical Journal 971(1) 83 (2024)
EUHFORIA modelling of the Sun-Earth chain of the magnetic cloud of 28 June 2013
G. Prete, A. Niemela, B. Schmieder, N. Al-Haddad, B. Zhuang, F. Lepreti, V. Carbone and S. Poedts Astronomy & Astrophysics 683 A28 (2024)
3D pressure-corrected ballistic extrapolation of solar wind speed in the inner heliosphere
Aniko Timar, Andrea Opitz, Zoltan Nemeth, Zsofia Bebesi, Nikolett Biro, Gábor Facskó, Gergely Koban and Akos Madar Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 14 (2024)
Updating Measures of CME Arrival Time Errors
C. Kay, E. Palmerio, P. Riley, M. L. Mays, T. Nieves‐Chinchilla, M. Romano, Y. M. Collado‐Vega, C. Wiegand and A. Chulaki Space Weather 22(7) (2024)
A Bayesian approach to the drag-based modelling of ICMEs
Simone Chierichini, Gregoire Francisco, Ronish Mugatwala, Raffaello Foldes, Enrico Camporeale, Giancarlo De Gasperis, Luca Giovannelli, Gianluca Napoletano, Dario Del Moro and Robertus Erdelyi Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 1 (2024)
Coronal Models and Detection of the Open Magnetic Field
Eleanna Asvestari, Manuela Temmer, Ronald M. Caplan, Jon A. Linker, Stephan G. Heinemann, Rui F. Pinto, Carl J. Henney, Charles N. Arge, Mathew J. Owens, Maria S. Madjarska, Jens Pomoell, Stefan J. Hofmeister, Camilla Scolini and Evangelia Samara The Astrophysical Journal 971(1) 45 (2024)
Probing Coronal Mass Ejection Inclination Effects with EUHFORIA
Karmen Martinić, Eleanna Asvestari, Mateja Dumbović, Tobias Rindlisbacher, Manuela Temmer and Bojan Vršnak The Astrophysical Journal 974(2) 203 (2024)
Study of Evolution and Geo-effectiveness of Coronal Mass Ejection–Coronal Mass Ejection Interactions Using Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations with SWASTi Framework
Prateek Mayank, Stefan Lotz, Bhargav Vaidya, Wageesh Mishra and D. Chakrabarty The Astrophysical Journal 976(1) 126 (2024)
The importance of boundary evolution for solar-wind modelling
Estimating the early propagation direction of the coronal mass ejection with DIRECD during the severe event on May 8 and for the follow-up event on June 8, 2024
Shantanu Jain, Tatiana Podladchikova, Astrid M. Veronig, Galina Chikunova, Karin Dissauer, Mateja Dumbovic and Amaia Razquin Astronomy & Astrophysics 692 A214 (2024)
Modeling the propagation of coronal mass ejections with COCONUT: Implementation of the regularized Biot-Savart law flux rope model
J. H. Guo, L. Linan, S. Poedts, Y. Guo, A. Lani, B. Schmieder, M. Brchnelova, B. Perri, T. Baratashvili, Y. W. Ni and P. F. Chen Astronomy & Astrophysics 683 A54 (2024)
Helio1D modeling of temporal variation of solar wind: Interfacing between MULTI-VP and 1D MHD for future operational forecasting at L1
R. Kieokaew, R.F. Pinto, E. Samara, C. Tao, M. Indurain, B. Lavraud, A. Brunet, V. Génot, A. Rouillard, N. André, S. Bourdarie, C. Katsavrias, F. Darrouzet, B. Grison and I. Daglis Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 19 (2024)
The Effects of Including Farside Observations on In Situ Predictions of Heliospheric Models
Kalman J. Knizhnik, Micah J. Weberg, Ajeet Singh Zaveri, Ignacio Ugarte-Urra, Yi-Ming Wang, Lisa A. Upton and Elena Provornikova The Astrophysical Journal 969(2) 154 (2024)
Modeling Arrival Time of Coronal Mass Ejections to Near-Earth Orbit Using Coronal Dimming Parameters
Cannibals in PARADISE: The Effect of Merging Interplanetary Shocks on Solar Energetic Particle Events
Antonio Niemela, Nicolas Wijsen, Angels Aran, Luciano Rodriguez, Jasmina Magdalenic and Stefaan Poedts The Astrophysical Journal Letters 967(2) L35 (2024)
Dependence of coronal mass ejections on the morphology and toroidal flux of their source magnetic flux ropes
J. H. Guo, L. Linan, S. Poedts, Y. Guo, B. Schmieder, A. Lani, Y. W. Ni, M. Brchnelova, B. Perri, T. Baratashvili, S. T. Li and P. F. Chen Astronomy & Astrophysics 690 A189 (2024)
Improved modelling of SEP event onset within the WSA–Enlil–SEPMOD framework
Erika Palmerio, Janet G. Luhmann, M. Leila Mays, Ronald M. Caplan, David Lario, Ian G. Richardson, Kathryn Whitman, Christina O. Lee, Beatriz Sánchez-Cano, Nicolas Wijsen, Yan Li, Carlota Cardoso, Marco Pinto, Daniel Heyner, Daniel Schmid, Hans-Ulrich Auster and David Fischer Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 3 (2024)
The effect of adaptive mesh refinement and grid stretching on the magnetized coronal mass ejection model in Icarus
The multiview observatory for solar terrestrial science (MOST)
N. Gopalswamy, S. Christe, S.F. Fung, Q. Gong, J.R. Gruesbeck, L.K. Jian, S.G. Kanekal, C. Kay, T.A. Kucera, J.E. Leake, L. Li, P. Mӓkelӓ, P. Nikulla, N.L. Reginald, A. Shih, S.K. Tadikonda, N. Viall, L.B. Wilson, S. Yashiro, L. Golub, E. DeLuca, K. Reeves, A.C. Sterling, A.R. Winebarger, C. DeForest, et al. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 254 106165 (2024)
An Experimental Study on EUV‐To‐Magnetogram Image Translation Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
Numerical MHD models of stream interaction regions (SIRs) and corotating interaction regions (CIRs) using sunRunner3D: comparison with observations
E Aguilar-Rodriguez, J J González-Avilés, P Riley, M Ben-Nun, M Rodriguez-Martinez, R F González, M A Perez-Rivera and A C Raga-Rasmussen Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529(2) 1250 (2024)
Assessment of the near-Sun magnetic field of the 10 March 2022 coronal mass ejection observed by Solar Orbiter
Modelling two energetic storm particle events observed by Solar Orbiter using the combined EUHFORIA and iPATH models
Zheyi Ding, Gang Li, Glenn Mason, Stefaan Poedts, Athanasios Kouloumvakos, George Ho, Nicolas Wijsen, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber and Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco Astronomy & Astrophysics 681 A92 (2024)
Magnetic connectivity from the Sun to the Earth with MHD models
A catalogue of observed geo-effective CME/ICME characteristics
Ronish Mugatwala, Simone Chierichini, Gregoire Francisco, Gianluca Napoletano, Raffaello Foldes, Luca Giovannelli, Giancarlo De Gasperis, Enrico Camporeale, Robertus Erdélyi and Dario Del Moro Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 6 (2024)
Modeling Ion Acceleration and Transport in Corotating Interaction Regions: The Mass-to-charge Ratio Dependence of the Particle Spectrum
Energetic particle acceleration and transport with the novel Icarus + PARADISE model
Edin Husidic, Nicolas Wijsen, Tinatin Baratashvili, Stefaan Poedts and Rami Vainio Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 11 (2024)
Modeling the Magnetic Vectors of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections at Different Heliocentric Distances with INFROS
Ranadeep Sarkar, Nandita Srivastava, Nat Gopalswamy and Emilia Kilpua The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 273(2) 36 (2024)
Modeling the Transport of Solar Energetic Particles in a Corotating Interaction Region
Refinement of Global Coronal and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Extrapolations Constrained by Remote-sensing and In Situ Observations at the Solar Minimum
Understanding the Effects of Spacecraft Trajectories through Solar Coronal Mass Ejection Flux Ropes Using 3DCOREweb
Hannah T. Rüdisser, Andreas J. Weiss, Justin Le Louëdec, Ute V. Amerstorfer, Christian Möstl, Emma E. Davies and Helmut Lammer The Astrophysical Journal 973(2) 150 (2024)
Using sunRunner3D to interpret the global structure of the heliosphere from in situ measurements
José Juan González-Avilés, Pete Riley, Michal Ben-Nun, Prateek Mayank and Bhargav Vaidya Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14 12 (2024)
SWASTi-CME: A Physics-based Model to Study Coronal Mass Ejection Evolution and Its Interaction with Solar Wind
Prateek Mayank, Bhargav Vaidya, Wageesh Mishra and D. Chakrabarty The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 270(1) 10 (2024)
CME Forecasting System: Event Selection Algorithm, Dimming Data Application Limitations, and Analysis of the Results for Events of the Solar Cycle 24
Ksenia Kaportseva, Yulia Shugay, Anna Vakhrusheva, Vladimir Kalegaev, Anton Shiryaev and Valeriy Eremeev Universe 10(8) 321 (2024)
Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of Background Solar Wind near Mars: Comparison with MAVEN and Tianwen-1
Studying the Spheromak Rotation in Data-constrained Coronal Mass Ejection Modeling with EUHFORIA and Assessing Its Effect on the B
Ranadeep Sarkar, Jens Pomoell, Emilia Kilpua, Eleanna Asvestari, Nicolas Wijsen, Anwesha Maharana and Stefaan Poedts The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 270(2) 18 (2024)
Validation of EUHFORIA cone and spheromak coronal mass ejection models
L. Rodriguez, D. Shukhobodskaia, A. Niemela, A. Maharana, E. Samara, C. Verbeke, J. Magdalenic, R. Vansintjan, M. Mierla, C. Scolini, R. Sarkar, E. Kilpua, E. Asvestari, K. Herbst, G. Lapenta, A. D. Chaduteau, J. Pomoell and S. Poedts Astronomy & Astrophysics 689 A187 (2024)
The operationally ready full 3D magnetohydrodynamic model from the Sun to Earth: COCONUT+Icarus
A Transfer Learning Method to Generate Synthetic Synoptic Magnetograms
Xiaoyue Li, Valliappan Senthamizh Pavai, Daria Shukhobodskaia, Mark D. Butala, Luciano Rodriguez, Jasmina Magdalenic and Véronique Delouille Space Weather 22(1) (2024)
Employing the Coupled EUHFORIA‐OpenGGCM Model to Predict CME Geoeffectiveness
Anwesha Maharana, W. Douglas Cramer, Evangelia Samara, Camilla Scolini, Joachim Raeder and Stefaan Poedts Space Weather 22(5) (2024)
The “SEP Clock”: A Discussion of First Proton Arrival Times in Wide-Spread Solar Energetic Particle Events
Simone Chierichini, Jiajia 佳佳 Liu 刘, Marianna B. Korsós, Dario Del Moro and Robertus Erdélyi The Astrophysical Journal 963(2) 121 (2024)
Cross-field Diffusion Effects on Particle Transport in a Solar Coronal Flux Rope
Edin Husidic, Nicolas Wijsen, Luis Linan, Michaela Brchnelova, Rami Vainio and Stefaan Poedts The Astrophysical Journal Letters 976(2) L31 (2024)
Modelling non-radially propagating coronal mass ejections and forecasting the time of their arrival at Earth
Refined Modeling of Geoeffective Fast Halo CMEs During Solar Cycle 24
E. Yordanova, M. Temmer, M. Dumbović, C. Scolini, E. Paouris, A. L. E. Werner, A. P. Dimmock and L. Sorriso‐Valvo Space Weather 22(1) (2024)
Discrepancies in the Properties of a Coronal Mass Ejection on Scales of 0.03 au as Revealed by Simultaneous Measurements at Solar Orbiter and Wind: The 2021 November 3–5 Event
F. Regnault, N. Al-Haddad, N. Lugaz, C. J. Farrugia, W. Yu, B. Zhuang and E. E. Davies The Astrophysical Journal 962(2) 190 (2024)
Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of coronal mass ejections using interplanetary scintillation data observed from radio sites ISEE and LOFAR
Kazumasa Iwai, Richard A. Fallows, Mario M. Bisi, Daikou Shiota, Bernard V. Jackson, Munetoshi Tokumaru and Ken'ichi Fujiki Advances in Space Research 72(12) 5328 (2023)
Modeling a Coronal Mass Ejection from an Extended Filament Channel. II. Interplanetary Propagation to 1 au
Erika Palmerio, Anwesha Maharana, Benjamin J. Lynch, Camilla Scolini, Simon W. Good, Jens Pomoell, Alexey Isavnin and Emilia K. J. Kilpua The Astrophysical Journal 958(1) 91 (2023)
Space Weather in the Saturn–Titan System
Sofía Burne, César Bertucci, Nick Sergis, Laura F. Morales, Nicholas Achilleos, Beatriz Sánchez-Cano, Yaireska Collado-Vega, Sergio Dasso, Niklas J. T. Edberg and Bill S. Kurth The Astrophysical Journal 948(1) 37 (2023)
Advancing interplanetary magnetohydrodynamic models through solar energetic particle modelling
The CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure
M. Laurenza, D. Del Moro, T. Alberti, R. Battiston, S. Benella, F. Benvenuto, F. Berrilli, I. Bertello, B. Bertucci, L. Biasiotti, C. Campi, V. Carbone, M. Casolino, C. Cecchi Pestellini, F. Chiappetta, I. Coco, S. Colombo, G. Consolini, R. D’Amicis, G. De Gasperis, R. De Marco, A. Del Corpo, P. Diego, V. Di Felice, L. Di Fino, et al. Remote Sensing 15(2) 346 (2023)
Validation of heliospheric modeling algorithms through pulsar observations I: Interplanetary scintillation-based tomography
C. Tiburzi, B.V. Jackson, L. Cota, G.M. Shaifullah, R.A. Fallows, M. Tokumaru and P. Zucca Advances in Space Research 72(12) 5287 (2023)
Solar Flare Prediction and Feature Selection Using a Light-Gradient-Boosting Machine Algorithm
A prominence eruption from the Sun to the Parker Solar Probe with multi-spacecraft observations
Tatiana Niembro, Daniel B. Seaton, Phillip Hess, David Berghmans, Vincenzo Andretta, Katharine K. Reeves, Pete Riley, Michael L. Stevens, Federico Landini, Clementina Sasso, Cis Verbeeck, Roberto Susino and Michela Uslenghi Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 (2023)
MPI-AMRVAC 3.0: Updates to an open-source simulation framework
Self-consistent propagation of flux ropes in realistic coronal simulations
L. Linan, F. Regnault, B. Perri, M. Brchnelova, B. Kuzma, A. Lani, S. Poedts and B. Schmieder Astronomy & Astrophysics 675 A101 (2023)
Review of Solar Energetic Particle Prediction Models
Kathryn Whitman, Ricky Egeland, Ian G. Richardson, Clayton Allison, Philip Quinn, Janet Barzilla, Irina Kitiashvili, Viacheslav Sadykov, Hazel M. Bain, Mark Dierckxsens, M. Leila Mays, Tilaye Tadesse, Kerry T. Lee, Edward Semones, Janet G. Luhmann, Marlon Núñez, Stephen M. White, Stephen W. Kahler, Alan G. Ling, Don F. Smart, Margaret A. Shea, Valeriy Tenishev, Soukaina F. Boubrahimi, Berkay Aydin, Petrus Martens, et al. Advances in Space Research 72(12) 5161 (2023)
Understanding the Lateral Drifting of an Erupting Filament with a Data-constrained Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation
J. H. 金涵 Guo 郭, Y. 晔 Qiu 邱, Y. W. 仪伟 Ni 倪, Y. 洋 Guo 郭, C. 川 Li 李, Y. H. 宇航 Gao 高, B. Schmieder, S. Poedts and P. F. 鹏飞 Chen 陈 The Astrophysical Journal 956(2) 119 (2023)
CME propagation through the heliosphere: Status and future of observations and model development
Manuela Temmer, Camilla Scolini, Ian G. Richardson, Stephan G. Heinemann, Evangelos Paouris, Angelos Vourlidas, Mario M. Bisi, N. Al-Haddad, T. Amerstorfer, L. Barnard, D. Burešová, S.J. Hofmeister, K. Iwai, B.V. Jackson, R. Jarolim, L.K. Jian, J.A. Linker, N. Lugaz, P.K. Manoharan, M.L. Mays, W. Mishra, M.J. Owens, E. Palmerio, B. Perri, J. Pomoell, et al. Advances in Space Research (2023)
Interplanetary scintillation observation and space weather modelling
Ming Xiong, Xueshang Feng, Bo Li, Jiansen He, Wei Wang, Yanchen Gao, Man Zhang, Liping Yang, Zhenghua Huang, Jun Cheng, Cang Su, Yihua Yan and Kairan Ying Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 (2023)
COCONUT, a Novel Fast-converging MHD Model for Solar Corona Simulations. III. Impact of the Preprocessing of the Magnetic Map on the Modeling of the Solar Cycle Activity and Comparison with Observations
Błażej Kuźma, Michaela Brchnelova, Barbara Perri, Tinatin Baratashvili, Fan Zhang, Andrea Lani and Stefaan Poedts The Astrophysical Journal 942(1) 31 (2023)
Analysis of the Possibilities of Short-Term Prediction of Geomagnetic Perturbations from Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections at the BSA LPI Radio Telescope
Unifying the validation of ambient solar wind models
Martin A. Reiss, Karin Muglach, Richard Mullinix, Maria M. Kuznetsova, Chiu Wiegand, Manuela Temmer, Charles N. Arge, Sergio Dasso, Shing F. Fung, José Juan González-Avilés, Siegfried Gonzi, Lan Jian, Peter MacNeice, Christian Möstl, Mathew Owens, Barbara Perri, Rui F. Pinto, Lutz Rastätter, Pete Riley and Evangelia Samara Advances in Space Research 72(12) 5275 (2023)
COCONUT-MF: Two-fluid ion-neutral global coronal modelling
Validation of heliospheric modeling algorithms through pulsar observations II: Simulations with EUHFORIA
G.M. Shaifullah, J. Magdalenic, C. Tiburzi, I. Jebaraj, E. Samara and P. Zucca Advances in Space Research 72(12) 5298 (2023)