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Database of geomagnetic observations in Russian Arctic and its application for estimates of the space weather impact on technological systems

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Wavelet analysis of geomagnetically induced currents during the strong geomagnetic storms

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Monitoring of Geomagnetic and Telluric Field Disturbances in the Russian Arctic

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Characterization of Transient‐Large‐Amplitude Geomagnetic Perturbation Events

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Magnetospheric response to the interaction with the sporadic solar wind diamagnetic structure

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Climatological Statistics of Extreme Geomagnetic Fluctuations With Periods From 1 s to 60 min

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Spatial scale of geomagnetic Pc5/Pi3 pulsations as a factor of their efficiency in generation of geomagnetically induced currents

Nadezda V Yagova, Vyacheslav A Pilipenko, Yaroslav A Sakharov and Vasily N Selivanov
Earth, Planets and Space 73 (1) (2021)

Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: 3. Occurrence and Amplitude as Functions of Magnetic Latitude, Local Time, and Magnetic Disturbance Indices

Mark J. Engebretson, Viacheslav A. Pilipenko, Erik S. Steinmetz, Mark B. Moldwin, Martin G. Connors, David H. Boteler, Howard J. Singer, Hermann Opgenoorth, Audrey Schillings, Shin Ohtani, Jesper Gjerloev and Christopher T. Russell
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Wavelet and Network Analysis of Magnetic Field Variation and Geomagnetically Induced Currents During Large Storms

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Magnetospheric response to the interaction with the sporadic solar wind diamagnetic structure

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Solnechno-Zemnaya Fizika 12 (2021)

SECS Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada

James M. Weygand, Mark J. Engebretson, Viacheslav A. Pilipenko, Erik S. Steinmetz, Mark B. Moldwin, Martin G. Connors, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Larry R. Lyons, Christopher T. Russell, Shin‐Ichi Ohtani and Jesper Gjerloev
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (11) (2021)

Impact Angle Control of Local Intense dB/dt Variations During Shock‐Induced Substorms

Denny M. Oliveira, James M. Weygand, Eftyhia Zesta, Chigomezyo M. Ngwira, Michael D. Hartinger, Zhonghua Xu, Barbara L. Giles, Daniel J. Gershman, Marcos V. D. Silveira and Vítor M. Souza
Space Weather 19 (12) (2021)

Pc5/Pi3 Geomagnetic Pulsations and Geomagneticslly Induced Currents

Ya. A. Sakharov, N. V. Yagova and V. A. Pilipenko
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 85 (3) 329 (2021)

Statistics of large impulsive magnetic events in the auroral zone

Kyle Reiter, Sébastien Guillon, Martin Connors and Brian Jackel
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 11 44 (2021)

Statistics on Omega Band Properties and Related Geomagnetic Variations

M. Vokhmyanin, S. Apatenkov, E. Gordeev, V. Andreeva, N. Partamies, K. Kauristie and L. Juusola
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (7) (2021)

Modeling the Geomagnetic Response to the September 2017 Space Weather Event Over Fennoscandia Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework: Studying the Impacts of Spatial Resolution

A. P. Dimmock, D. T. Welling, L. Rosenqvist, C. Forsyth, M. P. Freeman, I. J. Rae, A. Viljanen, E. Vandegriff, R. J. Boynton, M. A. Balikhin and E. Yordanova
Space Weather 19 (5) (2021)

Determination of vortex current structure in the high-latitude ionosphere with associated GIC bursts from ground magnetic data

V.E. Chinkin, A.A. Soloviev, V.A. Pilipenko, M.J. Engebretson and YaA. Sakharov
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 212 105514 (2021)

Comparing Three Approaches to the Inducing Source Setting for the Ground Electromagnetic Field Modeling due to Space Weather Events

Elena Marshalko, Mikhail Kruglyakov, Alexey Kuvshinov, Liisa Juusola, Norah Kaggwa Kwagala, Elena Sokolova and Vyacheslav Pilipenko
Space Weather 19 (2) (2021)

Geoinformation system for analyzing the dynamics of extreme geomagnetic disturbances from observations of ground stations

A.V. Vorobev
Computer Optics 44 (5) (2020)

On the Regional Variability of dB/dt and Its Significance to GIC

A. P. Dimmock, L. Rosenqvist, D. T. Welling, A. Viljanen, I. Honkonen, R. J. Boynton and E. Yordanova
Space Weather 18 (8) (2020)

Observations, Modeling and Systems Analysis in Geomagnetic Data Interpretation

Alexei Gvishiani and Anatoly Soloviev
Observations, Modeling and Systems Analysis in Geomagnetic Data Interpretation 147 (2020)

Event Studies of High‐Latitude FACs With Inverse and Assimilative Analysis of AMPERE Magnetometer Data

Yining Shi, Delores J. Knipp, Tomoko Matsuo, Liam Kilcommons and Brian Anderson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (3) (2020)

Interhemispheric Comparisons of Large Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Relevant to GICs

Mark J. Engebretson, Kathryn R. Kirkevold, Erik S. Steinmetz, Viacheslav A. Pilipenko, Mark B. Moldwin, Brett A. McCuen, C. R. Clauer, Michael D. Hartinger, Shane Coyle, Hermann Opgenoorth, Audrey Schillings, Anna N. Willer, Thom R. Edwards, David H. Boteler, Andy J. Gerrard, Mervyn P. Freeman and Michael C. Rose
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (8) (2020)

Unified Geomagnetic Database from Different Observation Networks for Geomagnetic Hazard Assessment Tasks

Michael Dobrovolsky, Dmitriy Kudin and Roman Krasnoperov
Data Science Journal 19 (2020)

Exploring the Influence of Lateral Conductivity Contrasts on the Storm Time Behavior of the Ground Electric Field in the Eastern United States

Elena Marshalko, Mikhail Kruglyakov, Alexey Kuvshinov, Benjamin S. Murphy, Lutz Rastätter, Chigomezyo Ngwira and Antti Pulkkinen
Space Weather 18 (3) (2020)

Identification of Vortex Currents in the Ionosphere and Estimation of Their Parameters Based on Ground Magnetic Data

V. E. Chinkin, A. A. Soloviev and V. A. Pilipenko
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 60 (5) 559 (2020)

A global climatological model of extreme geomagnetic field fluctuations

Neil C. Rogers, James A. Wild, Emma F. Eastoe, Jesper W. Gjerloev and Alan W. P. Thomson
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10 5 (2020)

Observations, Modeling and Systems Analysis in Geomagnetic Data Interpretation

Alexei Gvishiani and Anatoly Soloviev
Observations, Modeling and Systems Analysis in Geomagnetic Data Interpretation 233 (2020)

Simultaneous Observations of Geoelectric and Geomagnetic Fields Produced by Magnetospheric ULF Waves

M. D. Hartinger, X. Shi, G. M. Lucas, B. S. Murphy, A. Kelbert, J. B. H. Baker, E. J. Rigler and P. A. Bedrosian
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (18) (2020)

Auroral Omega Bands are a Significant Cause of Large Geomagnetically Induced Currents

S. V. Apatenkov, V. A. Pilipenko, E. I. Gordeev, A. Viljanen, L. Juusola, V. B. Belakhovsky, Ya. A. Sakharov and V. N. Selivanov
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (6) (2020)

Trigger Effects in Geosystems

Andrei Vorobev, Vyacheslav Pilipenko and Mark Engebretson
Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Trigger Effects in Geosystems 607 (2019)