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An Investigation of Ionospheric TEC Prediction Maps Over China Using Bidirectional Long Short‐Term Memory Method

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Machine Learning Methods Applied to the Global Modeling of Event-Driven Pitch Angle Diffusion Coefficients During High Speed Streams

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Ensemble Machine Learning of Random Forest, AdaBoost and XGBoost for Vertical Total Electron Content Forecasting

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Remote Sensing 14 (15) 3547 (2022)

Support Vector Regression model to predict TEC for GNSS signals

Kondaveeti Sivakrishna, Devanaboyina Venkata Ratnam and Gampala Sivavaraprasad
Acta Geophysica 70 (6) 2827 (2022)

Optimal Transformer Modeling by Space Embedding for Ionospheric Total Electron Content Prediction

Mengying Lin, Xuefen Zhu, Gangyi Tu and Xiyaun Chen
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71 1 (2022)

Aeronomic and Dynamic Correction of the Global Model GTEC for Disturbed Conditions

V. N. Shubin, T. L. Gulyaeva and M. G. Deminov
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 62 (S1) S74 (2022)

A novel hybrid Machine learning model to forecast ionospheric TEC over Low-latitude GNSS stations

G. Sivavaraprasad, I. Lakshmi Mallika, K. Sivakrishna and D. Venkata Ratnam
Advances in Space Research 69 (3) 1366 (2022)

ED‐ConvLSTM: A Novel Global Ionospheric Total Electron Content Medium‐Term Forecast Model

Guozhen Xia, Fubin Zhang, Cheng Wang and Chen Zhou
Space Weather 20 (8) (2022)

Modeling and forecasting of ionosphere TEC using least squares SVM in central Europe

Seyyed Reza Ghaffari-Razin, Amir Reza Moradi and Navid Hooshangi
Advances in Space Research 70 (7) 2035 (2022)

A Neural Network-Based TEC Model Capable of Reproducing Nighttime Winter Anomaly

Marjolijn Adolfs and Mohammed Mainul Hoque
Remote Sensing 13 (22) 4559 (2021)

Predicting the Effects of Solar Storms on the Ionosphere Based on a Comparison of Real-Time Solar Wind Data with the Best-Fitting Historical Storm Event

Erik Schmölter and Jens Berdermann
Atmosphere 12 (12) 1684 (2021)

Prediction of Ionospheric TEC Based on the NARX Neural Network

Liu Guoyan, Gao Wang, Zhang Zhengxie, Zhao Qing and Chao Hu
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 1 (2021)

Space Weather research in the Digital Age and across the full data lifecycle: Introduction to the Topical Issue

Ryan M. McGranaghan, Enrico Camporeale, Manolis Georgoulis and Anastasios Anastasiadis
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 11 50 (2021)

Space Weather Services for Civil Aviation—Challenges and Solutions

Kirsti Kauristie, Jesse Andries, Peter Beck, Jens Berdermann, David Berghmans, Claudio Cesaroni, Erwin De Donder, Judith de Patoul, Mark Dierckxsens, Eelco Doornbos, Mark Gibbs, Krista Hammond, Haris Haralambous, Ari-Matti Harri, Edmund Henley, Martin Kriegel, Tiera Laitinen, Marcin Latocha, Yana Maneva, Loredana Perrone, Emanuele Pica, Luciano Rodriguez, Vincenzo Romano, Dario Sabbagh, Luca Spogli, et al.
Remote Sensing 13 (18) 3685 (2021)

GIMLi: Global Ionospheric total electron content model based on machine learning

Aleksei V. Zhukov, Yury V. Yasyukevich and Aleksei E. Bykov
GPS Solutions 25 (1) (2021)

One‐Day Forecasting of Global TEC Using a Novel Deep Learning Model

Sujin Lee, Eun‐Young Ji, Yong‐Jae Moon and Eunsu Park
Space Weather 19 (1) (2021)

Prediction of TEC using NavIC/GPS data with geostatistical method/forecasting capability comparison with other models

R. Mukesh, V. Karthikeyan, P. Soma and P. Sindhu
Astrophysics and Space Science 365 (9) (2020)