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Multi‐Scale Intense Geoelectric and Geomagnetic Field Perturbations Observed After an Interplanetary Magnetic Field Turning

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The March 1940 Superstorm: Geoelectromagnetic Hazards and Impacts on American Communication and Power Systems

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Statistical Studies of Auroral Activity and Perturbations of the Geomagnetic Field at Middle Latitudes

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Statistical Studies of Auroral Activity and Perturbations of the Geomagnetic Field at Middle Latitudes R.

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Geoeffectiveness of interplanetary shocks controlled by impact angles: past research, recent advancements, and future work

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Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 (2023)

Intense, Long‐Duration Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) Caused by Intense Substorm Clusters

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Ensemble deep learning models for prediction and uncertainty quantification of ground magnetic perturbation

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Spatial Features of a Super Substorm in the Main Phase of the Magnetic Storm of April 5, 2010

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The Correspondence Between Sudden Commencements and Geomagnetically Induced Currents: Insights From New Zealand

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On the Considerations of Using Near Real Time Data for Space Weather Hazard Forecasting

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Observations of Geomagnetic Induced Currents in Northwestern Russia: Case Studies

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Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 62 (6) 711 (2022)

Study of the development of geomagnetic storms in the magnetosphere using solar wind data of three different time resolutions

B. Badruddin, O. P. M. Aslam and M. Derouich
Astrophysics and Space Science 367 (1) (2022)

Katz Fractal Dimension of Geoelectric Field during Severe Geomagnetic Storms

Agnieszka Gil, Vasile Glavan, Anna Wawrzaszek, Renata Modzelewska and Lukasz Tomasik
Entropy 23 (11) 1531 (2021)

Forecasting the Probability of Large Rates of Change of the Geomagnetic Field in the UK: Timescales, Horizons, and Thresholds

A. W. Smith, C. Forsyth, I. J. Rae, T. M. Garton, T. Bloch, C. M. Jackman and M. Bakrania
Space Weather 19 (9) (2021)

Impact Angle Control of Local Intense dB/dt Variations During Shock‐Induced Substorms

Denny M. Oliveira, James M. Weygand, Eftyhia Zesta, Chigomezyo M. Ngwira, Michael D. Hartinger, Zhonghua Xu, Barbara L. Giles, Daniel J. Gershman, Marcos V. D. Silveira and Vítor M. Souza
Space Weather 19 (12) (2021)