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Adjusting the Potential Field Source Surface Height Based on Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations

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Modeling the Solar Wind during Different Phases of the Last Solar Cycle

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Global Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification for Background Solar Wind Using the Alfvén Wave Solar Atmosphere Model

Aniket Jivani, Nishtha Sachdeva, Zhenguang Huang, Yang Chen, Bart van der Holst, Ward Manchester, Daniel Iong, Hongfan Chen, Shasha Zou, Xun Huan and Gabor Toth
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The Thermosphere Is a Drag: The 2022 Starlink Incident and the Threat of Geomagnetic Storms to Low Earth Orbit Space Operations

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Space Weather 21 (3) (2023)

Is the Global MHD Modeling of the Magnetosphere Adequate for GIC Prediction: the May 27–28, 2017 Storm

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Cosmic Research 61 (2) 120 (2023)

Review of Solar Energetic Particle Prediction Models

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Observations and simulations of stellar coronal mass ejections

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SCIENTIA SINICA Technologica 53 (12) 2021 (2023)

High resolution finite volume method for kinetic equations with Poisson brackets

Igor V. Sokolov, Haomin Sun, Gabor Toth, Zhenguang Huang, Valeriy Tenishev, Lulu Zhao, Jozsef Kota, Ofer Cohen and Tamas I. Gombosi
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Momentum Sources in Multifluid MHD and Their Relation to the Geopauses

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CME propagation through the heliosphere: Status and future of observations and model development

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Advances in Space Research (2023)

Interhemispheric Observations of ULF Waves Caused by Foreshock Transients Under Quiet Solar Wind Conditions

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Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 (9) (2023)

Numerical quantification of the wind properties of cool main sequence stars

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A Multi‐Satellite Case Study of Low‐Energy H+ Asymmetric Field‐Aligned Distributions Observed by MMS in the Earth's Magnetosphere

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Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 (3) (2023)

A Large Simulation Set of Geomagnetic Storms—Can Simulations Predict Ground Magnetometer Station Observations of Magnetic Field Perturbations?

Q. Al Shidi, T. Pulkkinen, G. Toth, A. Brenner, S. Zou and J. Gjerloev
Space Weather 20 (11) (2022)

Next generation magnetic field measurements from low-earth orbit satellites enable enhanced space weather operations

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Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9 (2022)

A Time-dependent Self-similar Reconstruction of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections Based on the Gibson–Low Model

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Global Modeling of the Inner Magnetosphere Under the Influence of a Magnetic Cloud Associated With an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection: Energy Conversion and Ultra‐Low Frequency Wave Activity

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Tracking the Subsolar Bow Shock and Magnetopause

D. G. Sibeck, M. V. D. Silveira and M. R. Collier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 (9) (2022)

Statistics of geomagnetic storms: Global simulations perspective

Tuija I. Pulkkinen, Austin Brenner, Qusai Al Shidi and Gabor Toth
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9 (2022)

The SpacePy space science package at 12 years

Jonathan T. Niehof, Steven K. Morley, Daniel T. Welling and Brian A. Larsen
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9 (2022)

Simulating Solar Maximum Conditions Using the Alfvén Wave Solar Atmosphere Model (AWSoM)

Nishtha Sachdeva, Gábor Tóth, Ward B. Manchester, Bart van der Holst, Zhenguang Huang, Igor V. Sokolov, Lulu Zhao, Qusai Al Shidi, Yuxi Chen, Tamas I. Gombosi, Carl J. Henney, Diego G. Lloveras and Alberto M. Vásquez
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Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of the Solar Corona with an Effective Implicit Strategy

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