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Space Weather Effects on Transportation Systems: A Review of Current Understanding and Future Outlook
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Occurrence and Characteristics of Medium‐Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by BeiDou GEO Satellites Over Hong Kong
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Use of Terrestrial High Frequency Signals in Riometer Data to Explore the Size of D‐Region Electron Density Enhancements
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High Energy Solar Particle Events and Their Relationship to Associated Flare, CME and GLE Parameters
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Duration and extent of solar X-ray flares and shortwave fadeouts likely to impact high frequency radio wave propagation based on an evaluation of absorption at 30 MHz
R.A.D. Fiori, N.C. Rogers, L. Nikitina, V. Lobzin and E. Rock Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 252 106148 (2023)
Additional flight delays and magnetospheric–ionospheric disturbances during solar storms
Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere during November 2021 Geomagnetic Storm: The Impacts on Plasmasphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere Systems
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How open data and interdisciplinary collaboration improve our understanding of space weather: A risk and resiliency perspective