Issue |
J. Space Weather Space Clim.
Volume 4, 2014
Article Number | A07 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 February 2014 |
Research Article
The International Reference Ionosphere 2012 – a model of international collaboration☆
George Mason University, School of Physics Astronomy and Computational Science, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Heliospheric Physics Laboratory, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Observatori de l’Ebre, CSIC, Uni. Ramon Llull, Roquetes, Spain
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD
20723, USA
NASA Langley Research Center, Science Directorate, Mail Stop 401B, Hampton, VA
23681-2199, USA
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, ASCR, Prague
14131, Czech Republic
SANSA Space Science, PO Box 32, Hermanus
7200, South Africa
Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, USA
* Corresponding author:
The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) project was established jointly by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) in the late sixties with the goal to develop an international standard for the specification of plasma parameters in the Earth’s ionosphere. COSPAR needed such a specification for the evaluation of environmental effects on spacecraft and experiments in space, and URSI for radiowave propagation studies and applications. At the request of COSPAR and URSI, IRI was developed as a data-based model to avoid the uncertainty of theory-based models which are only as good as the evolving theoretical understanding. Being based on most of the available and reliable observations of the ionospheric plasma from the ground and from space, IRI describes monthly averages of electron density, electron temperature, ion temperature, ion composition, and several additional parameters in the altitude range from 60 km to 2000 km. A working group of about 50 international ionospheric experts is in charge of developing and improving the IRI model. Over time as new data became available and new modeling techniques emerged, steadily improved editions of the IRI model have been published. This paper gives a brief history of the IRI project and describes the latest version of the model, IRI-2012. It also briefly discusses efforts to develop a real-time IRI model. The IRI homepage is at
© D. Bilitza et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2014
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