Table 7.

Risk examples for the mission classified following ECSS-M-ST-80 (2008) for their their likelihood (A [low] to E [high]) and their severity (1 [low] to 5 [high]).

Possible scenario Risk Index Proposed action
Launch fails A5 Low No action - mission failed
Failure of one spacecraft B5 Medium Continue mission with remaining spacecraft, focus on scientific research
Launch misses time window C2 Low Wait 19 months for the next time window
Miss the trajectory for GAM B5 Medium Mission failed
Collisions of spacecraft during deployment B4 Low Communicate to spacecraft and try to recover possible orbit problems with propulsion system
Not enough data rate during safe mode to ensure communication between spacecraft and ground station B3 Low Spacecraft are on a circular orbit pointing to the Sun. Wait until spacecraft is closer to the ground station, where higher data rate is possible. Two small emergency antennas (70 m dish ground station)
Damage of sensitive optics of a coronagraph during space flight B3 Low Analyze the influence of the damage and try to reduce it using image processing at the science ground station
Radiation damage of the measurement system caused by GCR background and SEPs D2 Medium Expected damage, which limits the lifetime of the measurement system. Possible to move spacecraft slightly in order to protect them.
If the spacecraft enters safe mode in a 40° range on the backside of the Sun, connection will not be possible in this area B3 Low Ask communication specialist. Communicate with spacecraft, when it leaves the 40° area behind the Sun and recover it
Blackout of measurements device A3 Low Ask payload specialist. Check the whole spacecraft housekeeping system, special communication time to the spacecraft
Explosion of some propulsion tank after deployment A4 Low Check damage, continue mission with remaining spacecraft

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