Fig. 5.

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The cobpoint position and plasma jumps at the cobpoint for the 2000 April 4 (left) and 2006 December 13 (right) SEP events. From top to bottom: The first and second panels show the radial position and the angular position of the cobpoint with respect to the launch direction of the shock. The third, fourth and fifth panels, respectively, show the normalized downstream-to-upstream radial velocity ratio, VR, the jump in magnetic field strength, BR, and the density compression ratio, r, respectively. The sixth panel displays the Mach number, M; the dashed horizontal line marks M = 1. The bottom panel shows the transit speed of the shock up to each cobpoint position. The black curves correspond to the results applying the methodology described in Section 3. Blue curves display the results obtained with the cobpoint procedure used in SEPEM but with the present MHD simulation model, and the red curves show the same quantities as derived from the model developed during the SEPEM project.
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